Rabbi Mark Borovitz

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Immersing Ourselves in Rabbi Heschel's Teachings - A Daily Spiritual Path for Living Well

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 3 Day 228

“Niebuhr reminds us that “there is a mystery of evil in human life to which modern culture has been completely oblivious”. (Insecurity of Freedom pg.128)

This quote above begins the body of Rabbi Heschel’s essay on “the confusion of good and evil”. He tells us that he is looking at the teachings of Reinhold Niebuhr and the quote above is from Niebuhr’s book: “An Interpretation of Christian Ethics” on page 119. This book was published in 1935 and, as we can see from history, there was not much attention paid to its themes and teachings.
Pastor Niebuhr’s statement above is as true today as it was in 1935, which is why, I believe, Rabbi Heschel included his thoughts and Rabbi Heschel’s commentary/praise in Insecurity of Freedom which was published in 1966.

“Mystery” comes from the Latin meaning “hidden presence”, culture comes from the Latin meaning “tend/cultivate”, and oblivious is defined as “unawareness”. Using these root meanings, I understand Pastor Niebuhr’s sentence as “there is a ‘hidden presence’ of evil in human life to which ‘modernity cultivates and’ has been completely oblivious ‘to’. WOW, what a chilling thought, what a bucket of reality thrown upon us as awakening as a bucket of cold water. Yet, there are those who believe that evil is being defeated, that ‘they are the good guys’, ‘their authoritarian leader is the savior’, etc. There are people who have named the new ‘messiah’ and blindly following him to their ruin without any awareness, who are oblivious to the evil in their ‘messiah’ and the evil in their own selves.

The left and the right, the ultra religious and the secular all believe their cultural ways, their progress and their adherence to “The Word” absolves them of having any evil within them because they are ‘fighting the good fight’ for ‘higher values’ to be ‘of service’ to another human being and to the creative force in the universe. Both ends of the spectrum believe their cultures, their ways, their mores, protect them from evil so whatever they are doing must be right and good. They are completely oblivious to the evil that is a hidden presence in their lives and the lives of their compatriots, denying this hidden presence to the ruination of freedom for themselves and everyone else.

The greatest gift and the most dubious gift humanity was gifted is: Free-Will Moral Choice. Because we can make choices we are told to be “deliberate in judgment” it is imperative for us to search within ourselves for the “hidden presence” of spiritual wisdom and the “hidden presence” of evil. We, the people, have to let go of the foolish ideas that culture, education, innovation, creativity will banish evil from our midst, that any one person can save us. We, the people, have to look at our history and see how often we have foolishly believed we had defeated evil only to perpetrate it on another group, on another country, etc.

Rather than realizing we have to be constantly on guard for the “hidden presence” of evil and opening our eyes to the truth that the very cultural norms we adhere to actually “cultivate” evil we continue to be “oblivious”! We practice willful and blind obedience to obliviousness with our inability to see what is beneath the surface of our culture, of our leaders, of the people who want to live at the extremes. These are not people of faith, these are not people of ‘good will’, these are people who seek power for their own sake, who claim to be ‘benevolent dictators’ and are in actuality, perpetrators of the evil that is a “hidden presence” in all of “human life”.

Immersing ourselves in Rev Niebuhr’s words above must cause us to stop and look within ourselves. They have to tear away the fabric we have been using to blind our eyes to what is in front of us and what is inside of us. These words need to pierce the armor we have put around our souls and “circumcise the foreskin of hearts” so we can let the goodness of life in and we can transform the evil within us to serve something greater than ourselves and our selfish ends. These words and thoughts have to destroy the myth of ‘high society’ of ‘higher education’ saving us as we have seen our colleges and universities taken over by the far right and far left, as we seen the graduates of the ‘elite’ universities proclaim lies and deceptions about the last election and bow down before an insurrectionist after he caused them to run for their lives, like Josh Hawley. Rev. Niebuhr’s passion for good, his prophetic voice against buying into the “hidden presence” of evil, his call for us to let go of seeking salvation through culture or through a ‘false messiah’ right here, right now.

I read these words and immediately defend my actions in the past:) Then, I let go of my need to be right and seek the “hidden presence” of evil in me and in life. I know the danger in bucking “modern culture” where optics are more important than real at times, where lies are more palpable than truth most of the time, where simplistic solutions are sought and ‘strongmen’ are extolled as saviors. Yet, for Christians and Jews, the heroes of their core stories/myths are Christ and Moses, King David and John the Baptist, etc. None of these men, and the few women mentioned, are ‘strongmen’, they are servants, they seek to root the “mystery of evil in human life” out and learn how to live in community, in covenant and in truth. We have a tradition that tells us to never forget what Amalek did, attack the weak and the infirm both in body and spirit and to blot out the memory of them so we don’t try to emulate them. I have done this loudly and boldly, brashly and, some say, uncouthly. I would rather rail against the “hidden presence” than conform with societal norms that promote it. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark