Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel
Year 4 Day 9
“We cannot make our judgements, decisions, and directions for action dependent upon our needs. The fact is that man who found out so much about so many things knows neither his own heart nor his own voice. Many of the interests and needs we cherish are imposed on us by the conventions of society; they are not indigenous to our essence. While some of them are necessities, others, as I pointed out before, are fictitious, and adopted as a result of convention, advertisement, or sheer envy.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 6)
These words, this belief of Rabbi Heschel, go directly to the heart of what it is to be human, I believe. At the heart of all humane actions, at the core of living life with and on purpose are the choices we make and what goes into “our judgements, decisions, and directions for action”. For some, it is what the Bible says and how the people who lived 2000 years ago say we are supposed to carry out their “directions for action”. For others, it is what the Bible says as they understand it today from their own readings and experiences, helping them make “judgements and decisions” using the stories and ways of the Bible as their anchors-again as they understand the Bible. For others, it is what the spiritual leader says the Bible says, it is their clergy who tell them what the proper “judgements, decisions, and directions for action” are. For still others, it is what their “heart” tells them to do, resulting in their ability to ignore anything but their own “heart” and “voice” tell them while, as stated above, the know “neither his own heart nor his own voice” because we are so easily manipulated and deceived, we are so excited to engage in our own self-deception.
We have come through an election season(s) where the loudest and most negative voices seemed to be the most persuasive. We are told that many people voted their “heart” and listened to their “own voice” because of who they felt would best satisfy their “needs” without any regard to the truth of the speakers, the truth of their own “heart and own voice”, without any regard as to whether their “needs” are “indigenous to our essence” or not. This is not just true during election season, however, this seems to be true today with more force and more power than it was in 1958, at least to me. We see companies rise and fall based on these “fictitious” needs, we see people hired and fired based on a “result of convention”, because it is ‘politically correct or politically incorrect’. We continue to make “judgements, decisions, directions for action” based on erroneous information, with systems that are false and never search out the ulterior motives of our “heart and our own voice”, much less the ulterior motives of the advertisers, the societal promoters, etc.
We are a bundle of needs and interests, this is part of being human. The challenge, always, is to discern which ones are “indigenous to our essence” and which ones are not. Without doing this, we are always going to be susceptible to the whims and deceptions of another(s) and we will never find the truth of our “own heart and own voice”. This is the situation Rabbi Heschel found us in some 66 years ago and, unfortunately, we are deeper in this hole, sinking more and more into this quicksand as the years pass. This is the question that we all face: who will we choose to be? Will we choose to stay blinded by our own “interests and needs”, by our own need to be part of the ‘in’ crowd of society? Will we choose to be ruled by the lies we tell ourselves, by our envious nature, by societal norms and conventions? If so, how do we spout the words of the Bible, knowing we are bastardizing truth and holiness, knowing we are only marching lock-step with the mendacious aspects of society, of those in power, of the authoritarians, etc? Listening to the ‘religious’ people spout validations for their lies and power grabs is as disheartening and sickening as listening to the progressives, the non-religious point their fingers at the deceptions of another(s) while ignoring their own lying ways. Yet, here we are, still, again and worse!
There is a solution, there is a way back, out, forward and we just have to be willing to take it. It is time for We, the People to take back our religious texts from the charlatans, from those whose agendas are personal rather than for humanity. It is time for us live into the prayer found in Deuteronomy 6:5, “You shall love Adonai with all your heart, all your soul, all your everything. These words/things which I command you shall be on your heart. You shall teach them to your children, speak of them when sit in your house, walk on the way, lie down, rise up. Bind them for a sign on your hand, for frontlets between your eyes, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
This prayer, this piece of wisdom is the pathway on which we will make “judgements, decisions, directions for action” from a place of truth, spirit, and that are “indigenous to our essence”. We have to commit to love life, love truth, love humanity with everything we have-this is not the same as liking everything, agreeing with everything, it is about having love in our entire being knowing those who are stuck need compassion and we have to check ourselves to make sure we are not engaging in self-deception. All of the teachings of the Bible are to “be on your heart”, not yet in our hearts, but on them so they work their way in, so our hearts become more mature, wiser, and understanding of what is truth and what is deception, what is kindness and what is mendacity, what is love and what is subservience. We are then told to learn and keep learning, discuss and keep discussing-never believe that we are masters, that we know this stuff cold. Always be teachable and watch what we grab for and what we stare at. Staring at what another(s) have and being envious of it will lead us to believe we can take it from them or another, that we are entitled to things and we will “whore after them” as it says in Numbers. Finally, we are asked, as my Rabbi and teacher, Ed Feinstein says: “if your gates and doorposts could talk, what would they say about what goes on in this house, what is the essence of the people inside-congruent or incongruent, willing to do T’Shuvah or believing they are always right?
I know this to be a powerful pathway to making choices that are congruent with our essence because I have followed it for these past 36+ years, using it to know when I am in error and when I am being faithful. It is hard, I want to help another by yelling and shaking them to wake up and, knowing how many people tried to do the same to me and it fell on deaf ears, I let go of this inauthentic need. Instead, I continue to live one day at a time growing in truth, growing in love, growing in learning, growing in congruency, growing in compassion. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark