Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel
Year 4 Day 56
“We are not taught to feel accused, to bear a sense of boundless guilt. We are asked to feel elated, bred to meet the tasks that never end. Every child is a prince; every man is obliged to feel that the world was created for his sake. Man is not the measure of all things, but the means by which to accomplish all tasks.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 13)
The first sentence flies in the face of societal conventional notions! People have used accusations and put guilt upon one another forever, especially in many religious communities! How often have we heard of Catholic guilt, Jewish guilt, etc? How often have we been told by our clergy that we are wrong, our opinions are stupid(maybe not in those words), our questions are blasphemy? How many people, after suffering in prison for crimes they did not commit, have been freed because someone took a stand to not just accept the accusations of ‘the law’ and listen to the cry of the souls of the innocent? Hell, we have a President who calls himself King because he falsely accused others of what he was doing! We have a regime in the highest office in the land who believes and is following the playbook of Josef Goebbels to a T-accuse others of that which you are guilty of, they are following the examples of the great ‘freedom fighter’ Roy Cohn, et al. The problem is that we are being “taught to feel accused”, we are being asked, burdened with “a sense of boundless guilt”!
As a white male, I am considered guilty by some of the progressives just for being white. As a Jew, I am considered guilty by both progressives and regressives for being a ‘Christ Killer’, a terrorist, a Zionist, and any other ‘ist’ you want to label a Jew as. I am not alone, everyone who has a stake in their lives, everyone who stands for something that “mainstream society” doesn’t like gets accused. “Mainstream society” has been accused also. In the “Me too” movement, women were given a voice to speak out about things that were wrong and how they were wrong. AND that went too far also because then everyone and anyone could be and was accused of wrongdoing. While there is no doubt women were treated wrongly, they were treated as objects instead of as human beings-“boundless guilt” towards all males is not the answer either.
Just as some not all non-Jews are antisemitic, not all anti-Israel is antisemitic, not all males are anti-women. Just as not all Republicans are cruel bastards, not all of the accusers have clean hands themselves. We have lost the ability to distinguish what is a real accusation and what is a convenient one to “get the heat off of me”. How often when speaking to someone about their behavior do they deflect by accusing you “what about what you have done”? Jews have been made to feel “boundless guilt” for the millennia re: Christ’s crucifixion. It was in the Catechism of the Catholic Church until Vatican 2 when Rabbi Heschel helped to convince Cardinal Bea and the Pope to take out “Jews Killed Christ” and “Mission to the Jews” from the catechism! Talk about “feel accused” and “boundless guilt”- this was a prime example of both!
Trump, Musk, Vance, Vought, Patel et al are capitalizing on the upbringing of so many people re: feeling “accused” and accepting the accusations of “those in power”, especially Clergy-so when the Pastor, Rabbi, Imam, Priest preaches the same words as Musk, Trump, et al- the congregants are catapulted back to their earliest days of religious school and family life-where daily accusations were commonplace. I am suggesting that We, the People once and for all say FUCK YOUR FALSE ACCUSATIONS! FUCK YOUR PUTTING “BOUNDLESS GUILT” ON ME!
It is time for We, the People to take back our inheritance from the prophets, from Abraham, Isaac, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and remember we are being “asked to feel elated”! We are partners with the Ineffable One in creating a better world, we are called to live with purpose and passion, we are be loved by an unending love, we are blessed to be able to connect with one another and a force that we can never adequately describe. We are given tasks that will never end and which we move forward in for the next generation as an inheritance, as a gift of remembering it is not about the end result, it is about our ability to rejoice in the doing of life’s tasks, in the radical amazement of connection and love. It is time for our Clergy to preach these truths and it is time we demand that Clergy and Congregants alike follow the dictates of Deuteronomy 16:20 “Tzedek, Tzedek, Tirdoaf” “”Justice Justice you shall pursue” is the usual translation. The ‘real’ translation is: “Righteousness, Righteousness you shall run after”. This verse comes after we are told to “not pervert judgement”, for Judges to “not be familiar with a person who is in front of them”, and to “not take bribes because bribes blind the eyes of the just”-hence Lady Justice with her blindfold. Where are our religious institutions in decrying the current state of affairs? Why are there ‘good christian folk’, ‘torah jews’, and so many other ‘true believers’ supporting the perversion of Justice, the rape of righteousness, the false accusations that are being amplified from the megaphones of UnTruthful Trump and Malicious Musk? These two grifters who would be broke if not for the government and the bankruptcy laws, these two BUST OUTS who would be nothing if not for the belief in the basic goodness of people. Yet, too many people are going along with these RAPISTS out of fear, out of PTSD of being accused and told they were guilty by the very religious and family systems that are supposed to uplift us and protect us. It is time to call these religious and family systems to account. It is time to hold them accountable and change the ways of society once and for all. Otherwise, freedom will not be proclaimed throughout the land and to all its inhabitants therein-it will be available to the “select few” who bow down and bend over far enough for ‘the king dumptrump’.
I know the this feeling, I was raised by a Jewish mother:)! I know the “boundless guilt” that some women, people of color, etc have put upon me. I know the truth of “One oh shit wipes out 100+ atta boys”! Yet, I work each day to leave the accusations and guilt in the past. While I am certainly guilty of many things, I make my amends, I improve my ways and I work really hard to leave the past in the past. I also reject and feel sad for those who want to keep the past alive in the present. I have found I do not need them to forgive me, I do not accept their accusations and relieving myself of the “boundless guilt” of another is true freedom. I pursue “righteousness” each day and I reject the lies of the deceivers and grifters. I am standing up against mendacity and false accusations and for EMET (truth), Tzedek, and Justice. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark.