
Are you aware of the condition of "the vessels of the spirit" within you? Year 4 Day 85

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 84

“Words have become pretexts in the technique of evading the necessity of honest and genuine expression. Sometimes it seems as if we were all engaged in the process of liquidating the English language. But words are the vessels of the spirit. And when the vessels are broken, our relationship to the spirit becomes precarious” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 17)

Mark Twain said: “a lie can travel halfway around the world while is still putting on its shoes” and he is also to have said: “it is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled”. Lyndon Johnson said: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Twain lived in the 19th and early 20th Century, Johnson was President of the United States from November 1963 till Jan 1969, yet both of them were well aware of the horror that lies bring. Both of them were fearful of what “liquidating the English language” does to the spiritual and moral health of the soul of democracy, the moral health and practice of a people, and the spiritual health of an individual. Their fears have proven true throughout the course of history and even more so today. Before there was the internet, Twain knew the potential harm of a lie to a nation, to a group and to the individual and his warning against buying the bullshit is mostly ignored-how sad. Johnson, when he was pushing the Civil Rights bill through Congress knew the power of prejudice, the immense joy “the lowest white man” has by thinking “he’s better than the best colored man” and the irrational hatred and violence the “lowest white man” will bring.

Today, we are facing a phenomenon of both “the lowest white man” and the richest white men coming together to fulfill the vision of the Southern Slave Owners and to ‘right the wrong’ that the South lost the Civil War. Unbeknownst to most of us, the Civil War never ended, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, voting rights denied, etc all kept the war going long after the fighting stopped. In fact, one could say that “the South will rise again” has finally come true-given the lies, the racist attitudes and actions of the Government, and the endless assault on “honest and genuine expression”. Whether it is Hegseth, Trump, Musk, Thiel, Miller, Johnson, they all believe that the lies they keep repeating will be bought into and believed and this gives them the power to have absolute power, their ‘loud and proud’ lying will produce followers who will always believe them and when amplified by that paragon of mendacity, Fox News, it is almost too much for the Truth to overcome. Hence “the vessels are broken” and We the People have to come to terms with this fact, this reality in order to find ways to mend our spiritual “vessels”, to do open soul surgery on our spiritual arteries and veins. We the People have lost our ability to trust our intuition, We the People are having a “precarious relationship” to our souls and this is paralyzing many of us, it is depressing even more of us, and this is exactly what the deceivers, the grifters want.

The  assault on “words” that I heard yesterday was by the new head of the White House Office of Faith, Pastor Paula White-Cain. In an online sermon on Sunday, she was selling “honor God with your Passover/Easter Resurrection Offering” which for different amounts you will receive a "Holy Land Communion Set “- FOR PASSOVER!! It does get better, however, for $1000+ you will receive "beautiful 10-inch Waterford crystal cross” and receive these blessings: God will assign an angel to you, he will be an enemy to your enemies, he will give you prosperity, he will take sickness away from you, he will give you a long life, he'll bring increase in inheritance and he'll bring a special year of blessing.” All of this from a christian evangelist, heading a political office in Government, and for PASSOVER- a distinctly Jewish Holy Day! There are too many people who still believe in the ‘goodness’, ‘rightness’, ‘truth-telling’ of these grifters and are willing to be led to the altar of slavery by them. I know some of these people and am in utter disbelief and have stopped engaging with them because they are trying to have my “relationship to the spirit become precarious”.

We the People have to hear the words above, we have to immerse ourselves in them and we have to commit to living in truth right here and right now. We cannot prevent the liars from lying, we cannot prevent those who roll around in self-deception like pigs in shit, we cannot stop the evil inclination from dominating another person, ie Musk, et al, this is truth. Yet, We the People can speak truth to power like the prophets have in every age. We the People can stop hiding our heads in the sand and support prophets and warriors like John Pavlovitz, Marc Elias, Andrew Weissmann, Rabbi Sharon Brous, Rev. William Barber, and so many others. We the People can stop the assault on words that is taking place. We the People can engage in “honest and genuine expression” in all of our affairs. We the People can be in recovery of our decency, recover our souls, and recover our passion for truth. We the People can give the Truth the fresh legs it needs to overcome the lies in the race for wholeness, goodness and power. We the People can stop allowing our pockets to be picked by the grifters-in-chief. We the People can demand our faith leaders to stand for the principles of all faiths-decency, love your neighbor, kindness, compassion, welcoming and caring for the stranger, the poor, the needy, the widow, the orphan. We the People can vote out the charlatans, we can give the House back to the democrats, only to keep the assault from being rubber-stamped by both houses of government. We the People can have the clarity to “change the things which should be changed as Reinhold Niebuhr demands of us.

I know the assault that words can do, I was a perpetrator of using words as a “technique of evading honest and genuine expression” and to screw with another person’s reality enough that I could steal from them. I still regret these actions, not in a shameful way, rather in a way that reminds me to stay way clear of this behavior and anyone who is engaging in it-I have to stand up for the truth that is within them and help them hear the call of their soul instead of the call of their deceit. Paula White-Cain is too much and shows how full of shit people are who believe “Trump is good for the Jews, he has Jewish grandchildren”, how deep in their self-deception they are. I am enraged that God is being used to promote a grift, that God is being used to bastardize liberation from slavery and freedom while the people promoting this grift are enslaving another(s) and promoting autocracy! God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Dealing with the Lies of our inner life- Year 4 Day 84

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 84

“Words have become pretexts in the technique of evading the necessity of honest and genuine expression. Sometimes it seems as if we were all engaged in the process of liquidating the English language. But words are the vessels of the spirit. And when the vessels are broken, our relationship to the spirit becomes precarious” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 17)

I am in constant reflection of what it was like in the 1950’s, men back from WWII and Korea, going to school on the GI Bill, the baby boomer generation being born, Ike in the White House, Tricky Dicky as VP, economy growing, and yet, here is Rabbi Heschel seeing things that most of us miss, hearing the undercurrent of racism, mendacity, self-deception in all things because it was also the time of Brown vs. Board of Education, Rosa Parks, the emergence of Dr. King as a leader of the Civil Rights Movement and the uptick in the Klu Klux Klan activities. I wonder how much the defeat of Adlai Stevenson, a statesman as opposed to a politician, impacted him during those years, if he saw that politics had become a breeding ground for “evading the necessity of honest and genuine expression”.

Looking at the landscape of today, reading these words, drilling down on them and having them reflect our own inner life, inner language, we will experience how “words have become pretexts in the technique of evading the necessity of honest and genuine expression” within us, ie how we use words to lie to ourselves, how we use them to rationalize what should be abhorred, using words to deny what is evident and using them to obfuscate our errors and fill our ‘need to be right’ all the time! Before We the People look at Trump, Musk, Thiel, Vance, Hegseth, it is imperative to look inside of ourselves. Seeing how we have used words to negate the experiences and beliefs of people on the other side of any given issue, how we have neglected the needs of the many in order to satisfy the loudest voices of the few, how we have labeled and vilified people because they have different points of view than We the People have. Looking inside we see how the ‘good christian folk’ who support Bibi may be doing this for their own agenda, not in the best interests of Israel, we may see how we do the same thing with Trump as well as the rest of the oligarchs, Putin acolytes, ‘so-called religious people’ who have taken “words” hostage, abused them, and “engaged in the process of liquidating the English language” as well as the languages of countries all over the globe. While it is satisfying to “point the finger” at another(s), We the People have to first look inside ourselves, as Rabbi Heschel is doing when he uses the word “we” above.

We are living in a time when “words” are being used as weapons of mass destruction! They are destroying our ability to discern what is fact from what is fiction, what is true from what is false, what is real from what is fantasy, because of the ways people are using them. “Spin” is the name of the game, be it in sales, in politics, in governing, in interpreting the Constitution, the Bible, the New Testament, the Koran, etc. Everyone seems to use the words of Covenantal Texts and turn them into Transactional texts instead. Be it Bibi quoting from Samuel and only using the first half of the quote negating the rest of the story because he would have to admit his own errors, Trump hocking Bibles that he has never read nor cares about what they say, Vought, Vance, going against the principles and teachings of Christ but claiming this is what Christ meant, ‘hate the poor, unwelcome the stranger, forget the needy and take advantage of everyone because you are rich and you can’!

Watching the hearings re: the Intelligence group of the Cabinet ‘face the music’ for their gaff at inviting a journalist into their chat group AND having classified discussions over non-secure phones and apps, We the People witnessed exactly what Rabbi Heschel is speaking to in his words above. Listening to Trump speak about Ukraine, Greenland, Canada, Panama Canal, Social Security, Musk is another example of these words. Rabbi Heschel, Dr. King both had “been to the Mountaintop” and seen the “Promised Land” and knew how far our journey still was to reach it. They both knew it would take We the People being in truth with ourselves, using the words of the Bible, of the Prophets to help us “return to God” so God would “heal our backsliding”. Without doing the inner work of being in truth with oneself, we are more susceptible to the deception of another(s) because we are deep in our own self-deception. The lies of Bibi, Trump, et al are eaten up like the video game PacMan, because We the People have been unwilling to let go of our own self-deceptions, because We the People continue to use “words” as a “technique of evading the necessity of  honest and genuine expression”. We the People are so down the rabbit hole that we have come to believe that the Mad Hatter, aka Trump and his goons, is good and kind while the people who care for one another, who stand with the stranger, the poor, the needy, et al are the bad guys!!

The assault on truth, the use of words to manipulate and convince people to go against their best interests and be indecent towards their neighbors, their communities, is happening again, as it has throughout history. When Putin is believed over what we saw with our own eyes, when Putin is rewarded for taking Freedom away from people in Ukraine, when he is praised for his cruelty, we are in big trouble. Because of the use of “words” as “pretexts in the technique of evading honest and genuine expression”, we are left wondering: what is genuine? Our social media sites like twitter, Facebook, etc don’t care about truth or facts, they only care about revenue, the rule of law is under attack here, in Israel, has been in Russia forever, the words on the Liberty Bell and in the Bible about proclaiming freedom throughout the land mean nothing to those wannabe Mafia Bosses, and “love your neighbor as yourself” has been bastardized to “suspect your neighbor as you suspect yourself” which Rabbi Heschel articulated in his interview with Carl Stern. We the People have to demand of ourselves to clean out the lies and deceptions within us and then demand the same from our leaders and neighbors.

I have been doing this work for over 36 years and it is never-ending. There is no ‘arrival’, no time when I am not susceptible and/or in self-deception so I have to seek out the lies I tell myself daily. I have to have gratitude, respect, and engagement with my teachers, with texts and with the people around me. I have to keep my relationships covenantal, this is the path for me to use “words” to transmit what is in my soul and in my heart. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Uniqueness and Sacredness or Cheapening and Trivialization-how do you treat every person you meet? Year 4 Day 83

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 83

“A major root of freedom lies in the belief that man, every man, is too good to be the slave of another man. However, the dynamics of our society, the cheapening and trivialization of existence, continues to corrode that belief. The uniqueness and sacred preciousness of man is being refuted with an almost cruel consistency.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 16)

Every human being has, what psychologists call a split in their personality, consciousness. In Judaism this is called the two inclinations, good and evil. Evil is not pejorative, it is descriptive in that letting it run wild will lead us to doing evil. Christianity turned this into, I believe, that we are born in “sin”, because the evil inclination is a part of us. Judaism says: “the good inclination is good and the evil inclination is very good”. Without this inclination, according to the Talmud, our sages, nothing would be built, there would be no children, not even an egg would be fertilized! In the quotation above, we are made painfully aware of what happens when we don’t tend to this ‘split’ in our inner life. When the evil inclination runs rampant we are “cheapening” and trivializing the existence of both ourselves and everyone else. This is the situation that humanity has faced since the beginning of time, it is where wars come from, it is what makes autocrats and freedom fighters, it is what makes people of faith and the ‘so-called religious practitioners of idolatry’.

This split has to be “healed” from the inside out, there is no amount of outer success, money, property, prestige that can heal it-God knows people have tried for the millennia to make this so and it hasn’t worked. “We were slaves in Egypt” we cry during the Passover Seder and “God brought us out with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm” we recount. To return to “a major root of freedom”, we have to, once again, hear the call of the redeemer inside of us, take the actions necessary to “put our own house in order” and take “the outstretched arm” of another person who will help us heal our split, open our eyes, our minds to the truth of our soul’s knowing, return us to using the rational mind as a servant to the intuitive mind, as Einstein teaches. Without learning how our two inclinations work together to move our world forward, to move our lives in the direction of healing, health, purpose and meaning, we will stay in the cycle of hatred, resentments, “getting mine”, racism, anti-semitism, anti-muslim, etc. When our two inclinations work together, we are able to live in radical amazement, we are engrossed in an authentic awareness of what is and what should be, we live in the “both/and” world of the Bible. Since Cain, we have been exhorted to “master” the evil inclination because it “desires us much”, it “couches at our doors”. This is how “the dynamics of society…continues to erode that belief”. Both the belief in our ability to “master” it and our belief that “every man is too good to be the slave of another man”!

This idea, that we are all “too good to be the slave of another” is so radically simple and true, we keep missing it, ignoring it and trying to complicate it so we can prove it false. It is the antithesis of racism and all forms of hatred. It is the antithesis of autocracy, kleptocracy, dictatorship, even monarchy. Yet, like Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto says in his preface to his book Path of the Just, because this truth is so plain and apparent, we continually ignore it, forget it, violate it. We have become oblivious to the “good” in every human being, we have become willfully blind to the divine image, the purpose of every human being, we have disregarded the “infinite worth and dignity” of all human beings as well are our kinship to everyone else since we all come from the first human, Adam. This blindness, forgetfulness, ignorance, competitiveness, comparing, has led us to the state we are in right now, worse than we were in 1958 when Rabbi Heschel first spoke these words. Yet, so many people who will celebrate Passover, Easter Ramadan, continue in their ignorance, rejoice in their blindness, “spin” their evil inclination and actions into ‘good and right’, follow the dictators, the cult leaders to their ruin, we have not come so far from our historical roots of forgetting the call and demands of our souls.

I find it prescient that I am re-reading this chapter at this moment when the convergence of Passover, Easter and the “cheapening and trivialization of existence” is happening at such a rapid pace. While we speak of following Nazi Germany’s lightening pace, the playbook of Project 2025, Christian Nationalists, White Supremacists, Trump/Musk is very old, it goes back to the Pharaoh in Egypt: “a new Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph”, so he would not have to respect Joseph’s heirs, just as the current administration does not know “every man is too good to be a slave”. Not just the administration, all of MAGA world believes in their goodness and no one else’s, if you are not all in-you should be jailed, enslaved, beaten, etc.

It is up to We, the People to once again restore the “sacredness and preciousness” of the human being in our society. It is up to We the People to end the cruelty of so many people who seek to enhance their wealth, their power and control and deny the truth of “a major root of freedom”. We the People are being called just as we have been called throughout history to stand up for what is good and true, what is right and holy, what is sacred and precious- the dignity and worth of every human being! We the People can only do this when we have healed our own internal split, when we make a decision to live in the “both/and” instead of the either/or style of living. When We the People take our inner life seriously and nurture our soul, our passion, our purpose and find the meaning that we are created to live, we can repel the onslaught of the “cruel consistency” of the idolators, the charlatans, the autocrats, the grifters, the mendacious ones, and their guppies who follow their every word. We the People have to call our Howard Lutnick, Peter Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard, et al for their lies and their deception and stand up for and with one another, honoring the fact that “every man is too good to be a slave”, throwing off the shackles of impotence, slavery, that have bound us and taking our rightful place in our world.

I have been adhering to this truth for the past 30+ years, it took me a minute after my spiritual awakening to fully integrate this way of being, to make my evil inclination serve my good inclination. I am not perfect in doing this AND I know that every one is “too good to be a slave” to me, to themselves, and certainly not to some asshole autocrat, grifter, deceiving MoFo! I believe in the sacredness and preciousness of the human soul and do my best each day to honor this truth. God Bless, Rabbi Mark



Awareness of the "Sublime burden of Freedom"? Year 4 Day 82

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 82

“Refusal to delegate the power to make ultimate decisions to any human institution, derives its strength either from the awareness of one’s mysterious dignity or from the awareness of one’s ultimate responsibility. But that strength breaks down in the discovery that one is unable to make a significant choice. Progressive vulgarization of society may deprive man of his ability to appreciate the sublime burden of freedom. Like Esau he may be ready to sell his birthright for a pot of lentils.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg.16)

Delving into this idea of our “that strength breaks down” is a critical idea in this moment. We are watching the take-over of our way of life by ‘strongmen’ and anyone who is not onboard with them gets threatened into submission or surrender. Paul Weiss Law Firm did not just surrender their dignity, they surrendered their commitment to the “rule of law”, they bent down, took it the ass and said ‘yes massa’ to Trump last week and keep validating their choice because of threats. They made a choice to not “make a significant choice”. Were they “unable” or unwilling is a question only they can answer and one that, ultimately, they will have to. The greatest lie the ‘strongman’ tells is that one has no “choice”, the consequences of not going along are too great, so ‘choose’ what they want you to choose. It is exactly this situation that the “refusal to delegate the power” is so crucial. It is exactly for times like today, here, in Israel, across the globe, that we have to have an “awareness of one’s mysterious dignity” and an "awareness of one’s ultimate responsibility.”

We are never “unable to make a significant choice”-full stop. This is a lie we tell ourselves and a lie told to us from childhood on, it is a societal norm that we can never be adjusted to if we want to live in freedom and wholeness. To be a person of faith means to believe and follow the dictate to Choose Life found in Deuteronomy. Yet, We the People buy into the lies and bullshit of another(s) and cede our power “to make a significant choice” to parents, friends, bosses, elected officials, autocrats. This is the foolishness of humanity, this is another example of Hillul HaShem, desecration of God’s Name. Each and every time we surrender our ability “to make a significant choice”, we are denying our responsibility and giving up our dignity and value. What makes us human, what makes us ‘above’ the animals and angels is our ability to make free-will moral choices, according to Rabbi Abraham Twerski, and every time we ignore this ability, every time we refuse “to make a significant choice”, we are denying the very foundation of our humanity so treating ‘those people’ like dirt, as slaves, looking down our noses at them makes perfect sense when we deny our core values and the responsibilities of making “a significant choice”.

I keep thinking about Rabbi Heschel’s experience in 1958 that drove him to write: “progressive vulgarization of society may deprive man of his ability to appreciate the sublime burden of freedom.” Immersing myself in these words, looking at today’s world and the “progressive vulgarization” that is happening daily, this sentence is so prescient We the People are the purveyors of this “vulgarization”, we are also the buyers of it, the victims of it and we seem to be unable to say NO to it! Looking at how both political parties have exploited the truth, ‘spun’ the facts, lied to We, the People, and, today, installed an authoritarian as President and Project 2025 as the blueprint to end democracy as we know it in America and across the globe, is it any wonder we have no “ability to appreciate the sublime burden of freedom”? Is it any wonder that We, the People, in 2016 and 2024, have sold our freedom, our democracy for a promise of gold, not even the actual “pot of lentils”?

And this is our current situation, one in which Jesus and the prophets, Moses and the disciples would be shaking their heads, their fists and their words of rebuke would be flowing. Yet, from some of our religious leaders we get the bullshit that Trump is the Messiah and somehow, religion and faith have become synonymous with autocracy, dictatorship, etc. We the People have to take back our democracy, renew our commitment to freedom and stand up for what is true, holy, sacred-each and every human being! We the People are being called upon to restore our sense of “the sublime burden of freedom” so we can guard it, protect it and grow it. Freedom is a burden because many people want it for themselves and not for another person, group, etc. it is burden to “choose life” each and every day, hour, because this takes vigilance and we cannot ‘go to sleep at the wheel’ or we wind up in the twin situations of Trump, et al and Bibi and his thugs-the ultra-orthodox idolators.

We the People are being presented with an opportunity to “stand up and be counted”. In 20 days we will sit with family, friends and celebrate our “liberation from Egypt” and most of us will be unaware of how enslaved we are. This year let us take these 20 days and reflect on what we need to let go of in order to be “ready to leave Egypt” on a moment’s notice. What do we need to pack for our journey to freedom? We need to regain our sense of “mysterious dignity” and pack it, we have to accept our “ultimate responsibility” and pack this in our backpacks, we have to let go of our need to be right and need to make ourselves good by putting another down, we need to let go of and take out of our suitcases and backpacks our bastardizations of the values and principles our Bible holds dear, we have to find and pack our authentic self, the self we were created to be and hold out for all to see and use the divine need only each one of us can fill. We the People can and must honor our self and another by seeing one another as human beings, not allies and enemies. In this way, we will no longer sell our souls for a “pot of lentils” nor for any price at all.

Having sold my soul for awhile, these words touch me to my core. My recovery is all about not doing this, or at least minimizing selling my soul. It is what makes me bombastic and unwilling to compromise when I know that going along will have me participate in the “progressive vulgarization”. I am so sad at what is happening to our country, I am overwhelmed with anger at how the Bible is being used as a weapon rather than a sacred text to help us “love our neighbor as ourself”. I am incensed at the surrendering of people to what they know is wrong based on an ‘economic equation’ rather than standing up based on a free-will moral choice. This is my challenge, I have missed the mark before and will again, yet this is the challenge that I take on daily and I pray you will also. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Delegate or Be Responsible, that is the question being asked today and everyday - Year 4 Day 81

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 81

Refusal to delegate the power to make ultimate decisions to any human institution, derives its strength either from the awareness of one’s mysterious dignity or from the awareness of one’s ultimate responsibility. But that strength breaks down in the discovery that one is unable to make a significant choice. Progressive vulgarization of society may deprive man of his ability to appreciate the sublime burden of freedom. Like Esau he may be ready to sell his birthright for a pot of lentils.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg.16)

The first sentence above, albeit a long one, is a warning as well as a descriptor, as I hear Rabbi Heschel this morning. I also digress here to explain what I mean when I say “I hear…”, I mean that I actually hear the words in my head, I hear the nuances of them, I hear the call of them and I hear the demand of them, from Rabbi Heschel, when I read/study the Bible, when I am in conversation with another human being-I listen with my soul whenever possible and when I am not able to, I take a break and go inside to see what is going on within me that is stopping me from this type of soul to soul connection. A soul to soul connection is not just with the living, in my world, it is with the texts we study, the books we read, the people who have gone to the ‘next world’, etc.

In the sentence that is highlighted above, the “refusal to delegate power to make ultimate decisions…” is a demand, call, that we always refuse to do this! It is a recognition of how far off the original purpose of “any human institution” can go and even the people running the “godly” institutions like the Church, the Temple/Synagogue, the Mosque etc can find themselves off the path, bastardizing the word of God for their own egos, for their own power and for the good of ‘der fuhrer’! We have witnessed this phenomenon throughout the ages and it seems to be on steroids right now.

Along with the refusal, Rabbi Heschel is also calling to us to strengthen our “awareness of” our “mysterious dignity” and to truly realize our “ultimate responsibility. “Ultimate” comes from the Latin meaning “come to an end” and one of the words in Hebrew is “Yesod” which means foundation and mystery. While the “ultimate” is a mystery to us, we don’t know how things will “end”, we are not aware of the time of our own death, life itself is a mystery for and to many of us. The teaching above is to remind us that living into the mystery is what our responsibility is, following the call of the Bible to CHOOSE LIFE, to “be a blessing”, to “love thy neighbor”, to see the infinite dignity in every person, “to proclaim freedom throughout the land and to all its inhabitants therein”, etc is not just a “command”, it is the very essence of our dignity, it is the foundation of what it means to be human!

These words call upon us to be in consistent awareness of the wonder, the radical amazement that being alive brings to us. They are guides for seeing what truly is, what is important and how to live one grain of sand better each day. “Awareness of one’s mysterious dignity” and “awareness of one’s ultimate responsibility” do not happen overnight, these ways of being have to be cultivated, they have to be nurtured and they are in defiance of the ‘societal norms’ of our time. They also demand we see the “mysterious dignity” of every human being, we recognize and follow through on our “ultimate responsibility” to care for everyone!

Instead of looking within himself and his cronies, Howard Lutnick, on Friday, showed his cards when he called people who would be upset if their Social Security Check did not arrive on schedule, “fraudsters”because only “fraudsters” yell and scream about not getting what they want, like Trump, Musk, Lutnick, Vought, Johnson, Graham, etc! He is a pig, a billionaire who forgot where he came from, a College Professor and an artist; he is a member of a Synagogue, donates to Jewish causes and has not a farthing of an idea of what the Bible teaches nor does he care, as long as his name is on a building. He is the one screaming, Musk is the one screaming, Trump always screams that he is mistreated, poor little rich boy that he is. This type of behavior, which is very prevalent among certain people in the Billionaire class and the unwitting followers who are being affected by their ‘policies’, is all about cruelty, it is all about getting more and more because there is never enough power, money, control when one is addicted to it to the extent Lutnick et al are.

We the People have to stand up! We the People are being called from within and from Mt. Sinai to “hear, listen and understand” that only God is God, not Donald Trump, not Elon Musk, not Howard Lutnick, not one’s parents nor oneself! This is the first commandment, yet we continue to violate the first 3 each time we call ‘der fuhrer’ ‘the messiah’, ‘christ’s messenger’, we continue to violate the first 3 commandments each time we cannot admit our own foibles, each time we seek ‘retribution’. Each time we steal with impunity, we take away freedoms, we violate the constitution, we wipe our asses with the Declaration of Independence, we violate the last 6! Yet, the charlatans, the idolators, the ‘holy rollers’ like Mike Johnson believe because they go to church, synagogue, the mosque on the Sabbath, they are following all of the commandments and the “bible is my guide, my road map for living”-cough cough-makes one want to throw up! AND, We the People must continue to protest, we must continue to speak truth to power, we must call on the prophetic spirit that is within us and continue to nurture our “mysterious dignity” and “awareness of one’s ultimate responsibility” so we can create the world as it should be, as it was designed to be: where Freedom Rings, when each person has their place lives their unique talents and gifts, where everyone knows they belong and we all find ways to compliment one another instead of compete with one another, one where the rich care for the poor, the well care for the needy and all of us nurture our inner life and live soul to soul relationships.

This is my quest and has been since 1987. I never hit the mark and stay there, the larger is always moving because I can never settle, nor can I sit back and say I’m there. It is a journey, frustrating and exhilarating, painful and joyous. I know it will end some day and until then, I fight against the Lutnicks of the world and I keep preaching the Gospel of the Prophets, the Bible, and pray someone hears. If not, I hear and this makes me keep growing and in awe of the “mysterious dignity” of all people and the world itself and it prevents me from thinking someone else should do what I am responsible for. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Seeing the "Sublime Horizons under which we live" - Year 4 Day 80

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 80

“Loyalty to freedom means loyalty to the substance of freedom. But such loyalty must be actualized again and again. Here our way of living must change: it must open the sight of sublime horizons under which we live.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 16)

I am stunned, outraged, and bewildered that this wisdom, this insight, this prophecy has been ignored for all of these years. While it would be nice to point to ‘those people’ who ignored or silenced Rabbi Heschel’s voice, the truth is We, the People are the silencers, We, the People are the ones who have ignored this truth and so many other that Rabbi Heschel gives us. And we continue to ignore and deny the truth of all the sentences above and, for today, lets look at the one in bold.

“Our way of living must change” and, unfortunately it hasn’t. We are still as prejudiced and insensitive as the founding fathers were when they declared a Black Man, 3/5’s of a person for census taking. We are still as ruthless as the Slave Owners were when they raped their Black Women slaves and thought they were their chattel. We are still as idolatrous and bastardizing of the Bible and New Testament as Americans ever were in denying equal rights for all people, treating the immigrants we brought over (Chinese) to do work and then discriminated against them. We are still as self-righteous and evil as we were in starting the Civil War with firing on Ft. Sumner! There are differences, of course, many of us are despondent over the ways people have deepened their prejudices and are using any excuse possible to proclaim their ‘whiteness’ and that “white makes right” in any and all circumstances. Still many people voted for our current chaos to happen, both here and in Israel. Many people still support their own demise by supporting the leadership in both countries who believe they are “Der Fuhrer” and can do anything they want to, including but not limited to destroying their ‘opposition’, and setting themselves up as ‘king for a lifetime’. If we look at our history since 1958 when these words were spoken, written, we can see glimpses of leaning into “our way of living must change”, with the Kennedy Presidency, the Johnson “Great Society”, Rev. King, Bobby Kennedy, only to be followed by Tricky Dickie, then Gingrich et al who wanted to go to war with their colleagues rather than seek ways to cooperate.

On a personal level, people have been trying to “keep up with the Jones’” forever. We the People have decided it is okay to put our thumbs on the scales if we can make a few more pennies, We, the People think it is cool to “jew someone down” so we can squeeze the last penny out of a working person, a store owner. We the People believe “might makes right” and other such bullshit. We, the People lie to ourselves by saying ‘we are religious, good and right, because we follow the commandments’ while bastardizing the very words and examples the Bible gives us or ‘we are committing these atrocities in the name of Jesus Christ, our lord’! I am hearing Rabbi Heschel call to all of us to commit to a “religious revolution”, I hear him crying out to us to hear the call of the prophets, to hear God’s crying at night that God’s children are in exile and we cannot return until We the People bring about a change in “our way of living”! This goes along with the prayer where we ask God to cause us to return  and we will return-while and this is the proof that we have to make the first move, we have to know that “our way of living must change” and follow through on making the appropriate changes. We are wearing blinders, as Moses says to the Children of Israel we couldn’t hear nor see until ‘this day’. The use of “this day” (HaYom) reminds all of us that we have the opportunity to change “our way of living” any day we choose. It is not a ‘certain day’, rather following the dictate above: “our way of living must change” is open to us at any time and on any day we choose to hear the Truth once again and to Understand what is really happening and to Listen to the call of higher consciousness, the Ineffable One to return home to being “the self we were created to be” as Thomas Merton teaches. In other words, to live the Shema prayer!

We the People reading the words in bold above, hopefully are stirred to engage with the “sublime horizons under which we live”. These horizons strengthen our spiritual health and living, they give us the insight to see and the courage to “change the things that should be changed” as Reinhold Niebuhr says in the Serenity Prayer. Thinking about it in this context, the Serenity Prayer, according to Niebuhr’s daughter in the book by the same name asks for Grace, acceptance, clarity in our daily living so we know what cannot be changed: Truth, Spirit, Holiness and what should be changed: Mendacity, Self-deception and deception of another(s), Profaning the words and teachings of Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, etc. This is the path to changing “our way of living” because right now, if one hasn’t noticed, we are heading down a path that will bring pain and sorrow, war and famine, civil unrest and familial infighting-just like we see in the Books of Samuel! What will it take for We the People to wake up and engage in the words above, staying loyal to freedom and the “substance of freedom” rather than buy into the lies of the autocrats, the idolators, the charlatans? What will it take for We the People to see the wisdom and the vision of “the sublime horizons under which we live”? I believe it will take a Spiritual Revolution that follows the call of the final verse of Lamentations: “Turn us towards you, Adonai and we will return”. The Book written to commemorate the destruction of the Temple ends with a prayer, a call, not to God because God is always seeking our return as the prophets remind us, rather it is a call to our inner life, to our souls, to our intuitive mind to put the rational mind back in it’s proper place as a servant instead of worshiping it, as Einstein teaches us. We the People are capable of this, We can and must change “our way of living” so we stop our sinking back into the slavery of Egypt. It is up to us, what will you say when someone asks what did you do as your country was sinking into autocracy?

I heard this call some 38+ years ago after being arrested again! I heard that my “way of living must change in my soul, not my mind and it has stuck with me for all these years and I am constantly seeking to have sight of the “sublime horizons under which we live”. I am not always here and I get here for most of every day. I engage in the “things which I should change” and I keep turning towards God so I can return to the authentic Mark. I know that without staying loyal to the covenant I made with God, with Harriet, with Heather, with my siblings, and with all of you, I will sink into Egypt and live a life of regrets. Staying loyal to “the substance of freedom” allows me to hang out with you! God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



What are you loyal to and who do you surrender yourself to? Year 4 Day 79

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 79

“Loyalty to freedom means loyalty to the substance of freedom. But such loyalty must be actualized again and again. Here our way of living must change: it must open the sight of sublime horizons under which we live.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 16)

The first sentence above reminds us to remember what “the substance of freedom” is. It is an interesting question as “substance” comes from the Latin meaning “standing firm” and “being/essence”. Hearing Rabbi Heschel demand of us to “stand firm” in the “essence” of our “being” and that essence is the “unalienable right” to live free! Loyalty means “give firm and constant support” and “allegiance to” which begs the question what are we supporting in the ways we live, work, play, in our families, in our communities, in our voting, in our faith traditions, in our spirituality? “Freedom”encompasses our entirety, it is something we have to constantly check in on, it is a way of being that is constantly under assault from within as well as from the outside. It is hard to live free as living free entails a constant examination of our daily living and as Malcolm X said: “an examined life is painful”.

While we may have little power over the outside forces which are constantly attempting to deny us “freedom”, we do have power over our inside forces which tell us to go along with “Der Fuhrer”, the autocratic leader(s) because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” thinking, because we are afraid to stand up for the “poor, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the needy” as the Bible demands of us. Instead, we allow our inside immature, fearful voices to convince us that “loyalty to freedom” means going along with the grifters, the liars, the deceivers, the powers that be. This is true for both ends of the continuum, progressive and conservative, total libertarian and total fascist. As we are in Lent, Ramadan, and preparation for Passover, it is important to realize what all of these Holy Days represent: a surrender to God and, more importantly, the beginning of our journey to “freedom”. “Freedom” from the “harsh labors of the Egyptians” as well as “freedom” from the slave mentality. Yet, it seems both Clergy and congregant have missed this memo from God, from our faith traditions as we hear no message of political relevance in some Synagogues, Mosques and Churches and insane messages that bastardize the essence of Christ’s teachings, Moses’ teachings, the call of the prophets and what Mohammed said! While we do not have the power to stop the charlatans and the mendacious ones, we do have the power to say NO to these idolators and their minions and as Hillel says: “If not now, when?”

Here again, Rabbi Heschel is being a ‘harsh taskmaster’ because he is reminding us that “loyalty to the substance of freedom” is not a one and done proposition. It is a daily, hourly action that “must be actualized again and again” which tells us to be aware, to be present, to not allow ourselves to be lulled into some utopia dream state by the orators, by the “enemy of my enemy”. It is hard to be constantly on guard for the attacks on “freedom” from within as well as from outside of us. Our rational minds, our egos, our need to ‘get even’, our ‘poor me’ attitudes as well as our disease of self-deception all conspire to convince us that we are being loyal to “freedom” when we join with the autocrat who is going to execute as much cruelty on our perceived ‘enemies’ as possible. It is a spiritually bankrupt society and individual who cheers the tearing down of the scaffolding on which our “freedom” is built. It is the ultimate dis-loyalty to “freedom and we seem to be incapable of realizing this because we are constantly going along with others who want to tear down the “freedom” of ‘those people’ and/or initiating such actions ourselves. We seem to be incapable of “standing firm” in our “being” free. Rather than realize the God’s promise and reminder that each of us will have our own place, each of us is unique and necessary to make the world better, each of us has “a corner of the garden” as Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz teaches, we need to have it all, we need to deny another their rightful place and share, we need to make them slaves and put upon them harsh burdens-forgetting what happened to Egypt and Egyptian society when they did that: “don’t you realize that Egypt is lost”(Ex.10:7).

This is why staying loyal “to the substance of freedom” is so crucial for We the People! The first two sentences are critical to our remaining free, to our keeping the Covenant with God that we renew each day in our daily prayers, in our spiritual practices. It is not enough to think good thoughts, to do something nice, as I am hearing Rabbi Heschel this morning. These are important, don’t get me wrong AND, We the People are being called to “stand firm” in our opposition to anyone and anything that impedes our journey towards freedom. We the People are being told to remember the “essence of our being” is to be free and we have to return to this essence over and over again because history has proven that We the People get lazy and fat, we forget that “loyalty” is crucial and not a given, we ignore the warning signs, the signs that erosion of our “freedoms” is happening because we live in our rational minds and we have become “adjusted to conventional norms and mental cliches”. These two sentences are demanding we respond to the unasked questions: What are we loyal to: societal norms, getting ahead, going along, bending the knee to authority? What are we loyal to: Spiritual maturity, Freedom, God, Truth, Standing face to face with one another, living into the Covenant we remake daily with one another, with our significant others, with family, friends, co-workers, employees, employers; are we “standing firm” in the grace we have been given and the “freedoms” we have received? Do we guard and cherish our “being free”? Are we making “free-will moral choices”? We the People are being called upon not just by Rabbi Heschel’s words, which seem so prescient when we realize they were spoken in 1958, we are being called upon by the current events; are we going to be loyal to our allies or are we going to succumb to lure of the autocrat who will ‘make’ us Russian?

“Loyalty” has defined my way of living forever. I was loyal to the gangster life, I was loyal to my sister, I was loyal to the principles of being a criminal and I have been loyal to recovery and to living the principles of the Bible. I stand firm in my beliefs, I am willing to be laughed at, ostracized, betrayed, loved and embraced because of my “loyalty to the substance of freedom”. I don’t walk away and even when people have walked away from me, I am always willing to accept them back-this is what the Bible teaches is ‘unconditional love’. It is hard to actualize this loyalty over and over and I find it exhilarating and awesome. It is an experience of “radical amazement” for me to continue to stay loyal to “freedom” in all my affairs. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark.



Maturing or infantilizing your soul's knowing, serving your rational or intuitive mind-which are you choosing today? Year 4 Day 78

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 78

“Man’s true fulfillment cannot be reached by the isolated individual, and his true good depends on communion with, and participation in, that which transcends him. Each challenge from beyond the person is unique, and each response must be new and creative. Freedom is an act of engagement of the self to the spirit, a spiritual event.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 16)

In the first sentence above, Rabbi Heschel’s  use of the word “transcends” reminds us that there are obstacles that we have to “climb across” in order to experience “freedom”. For most of us, that obstacle is our egos, our rational minds, our immature, under educated spirits/inner lives. The lie of the “rugged individual” or the “self-made man” has been with us for so long and is so ingrained into the psyche of We, the People that we fail to see our “adjustment to this conventional notion” has caused us to lose our inner knowledge and our inner eyesight. Elon Musk would be another drugged out ketamine addict if he hadn’t received so much government money for Tesla, SpaceX, StarLink, and he goes around thinking he is the smartest guy in the room and has to take a chain saw to everything around him because he is afraid to be found out to be a fraud. The same is true for every autocrat, every oligarch, every asshole who delights in their cruelty. When one is in “communion with” and participates in, “that which transcends him”, we become not only free for the moment of this experience, this experience leaves an indelible mark on our souls, on our inner lives that we continue to long to visit, to experience again and again. Yet, we can only do this, when we are in community and engaged in ways of being that allow us, help us “climb across” the abyss of our mind and our reason to reach and dwell in wonder and/or radical amazement.

We seem to  have lost the ability to hear the “challenge from beyond” ourselves. We have become so preoccupied with our own self, we have forgotten the “gift” of the “intuitive mind” as Einstein teaches us about, and we have come to worship the “servant”, our rational mind. Even more dangerous, we have become “servants” to the rational/irrational mind of the fuhrer, which historically has led to the loss of freedom, the loss of connectivity, the loss of desire to “transcend” ourselves. We are in such a state now across the globe. The leader of the Free World and his partners in crime both here in America and in Israel, are doing everything they can to put cotton in our ears and blinders on our eyes so we can no longer hear the call from Sinai nor see the Mountain in smoke, no longer see the trembling awe of the mountain nor hear the cry of our neighbors. The Fuhrer does this so we no longer see our uniqueness, because seeing the uniqueness of ourself causes us to recognize the uniqueness of another and fuels our creative energy, the awakening of our inner lives to respond to the unique call/challenge we are given in this moment with a new and different response. To be in “communion with, and participation in, that which transcends him” we are being called to be present in this moment, we need to live in a state of wonder/radical amazement so we can hear the challenge, respond to it in our unique way and remember that SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY IS A LIE!

We seem to have lost our “challenge” spirit, we seem to have given away our creativity and our uniqueness in order to ‘get ahead’, to ‘go along to get along’. This is in direct opposition to the message of the prophets, to the experience of our enslavement in Egypt, and to the entirety of the Bible. We the People have continued on in the ways of Solomon, not necessarily going back to Egypt, but skirting the issue by getting horses, women, etc from Egypt. We the People have allowed the Fuhrer we have chosen to follow to lead us into a spiritual slavery, into a groupthink that kills our intuitive mind, that makes us “servants” to their irrationality, to their cruelty and one day we wake up and find we are willing to ‘throw our neighbor under the bus’ to earn some creds with THE LEADER! We have seen this story play out over and over again, in Rome, in Greece, in Jerusalem, in Germany, in France, England, in the USSR, in Iran, Saudi Arabia, all over the globe and we seem incapable of learning from our history and our ancestors.

We the People are in desperate need of heeding the last sentence above, our very existence as beings that can make “free-will moral choices” depends on it. We are at or almost at the tipping point of whether “this nation or any nation can long endure on the earth” and the time has come and is coming when each of us will have to make a choice-freedom or slavery, goodness or evil, kindness or cruelty. While I am usually against “either/or” language, there are times when it is necessary and Choose Life is one of the times. We the People are being reminded to tend to our spiritual life, to make for ourselves a spiritual practice and follow a way of being that supports, encourages, educates and matures our inner lives in order to “grow along spiritual lines” so we can live into more and more “acts of freedom”, more and more “engagements of the self to the spirit” and no longer buy the bullshit, the rhetoric, the irrational minds of the Fuhrer, the autocrat, the liars in chief like Trump, Musk, Miller, Bannon, Vought, Johnson, Schumer, Fetterman, et al. We the People can do this, in fact, this is the basic element of recovery from addictions; we people recovering from alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc “turn our lives over to the care of God as we understand God”, in Pirke Avot, we are told to “nullify your will before God’s will so God’s will becomes your will”. We believe we didn’t achieve Freedom until we reached Sinai because we were able to have a moment of transcendence, the problem for the newly freed slaves was they did not follow this moment up with more learning and developing of their inner lives. We the People can learn from our ancestors, we can stand up to the bully, deny the Fuhrer, cancel his/her minions and puppeteers. It will take “a spiritual event” that only we can make happen by being ready to hear and prepared to act upon the call, the challenge from beyond and the willingness to “climb across” the abyss.

I have been blessed with many moments of transcendence. Every day I write I have at least one. I have also experienced many moments of freedom and I realize the times I have been most enslaved were moments of my own making. No one enslaves me, I was freer in prison than I had been for over 20 years on the streets, I am freer now than I was at times when I was working, because I chose to “go along” or I chose to “follow the leader/money” and while I can give many reasons why, the truth that I am facing is that I willingly gave up my freedom for a few shekels and I will never do this again! I have returned to the Sinai experience over and over again, this Passover I will be a little freer than I was last year and a lot more aware! God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark.



What is your response to the Burdens, Challenges, Contradictions of Freedom? Year 4 Day 77

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 77

“Freedom is a challenge and a burden against which man often rebels. He is ready to abandon it, since it is full of contradiction and continually under attack. Freedom can only endure as a vision, and loyalty to it is an act of faith.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 15-16)

Pondering these words, realizing they were written and spoken in 1958 and mostly unheard and unheeded to this day, saddens me, enrages me and emboldens me. I am sad that I did not hear these words when I was younger, I am enraged that “freedom” has been taken for granted so much that we could lose it at any moment, thank you Donald Trump, Russell Vought, Project 2025, and, of course, Elon Musk. I believe it is crucial for us to imbue, immerse and understand the words and sentiments expressed above. Remembering that these words come from a man who watched the most erudite country, the country that was considered brilliant, modern, strong, etc reject “freedom” because it was too hard, the people decided, to go against the fascists in their governments-sound familiar Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, et al?

The Declaration of Independence is not just a severing of our relationship with King George and England, it is a document full of challenges and burdens. Jefferson, a slave owner, knew what he was doing was wrong and he couldn’t bring himself to free his slaves, probably afraid of backlash and losing money, stature, etc. Yet, he believed in the equality of all people and sold the entire Continental Congress on this truth and way of being. We, America, have never lived this truth and challenge completely and it is the burden that our democracy is under and the challenge from a man of faith and decency, a man who knew right from wrong and, even when he couldn’t do the next right thing, he wanted the country to. Today, our “freedoms” are under attack from someone who thinks the real challenge is to see how powerful he can become, under attack from a group that hails Hitler (listen to Tucker Carlson, Trump, his podcasters, etc), loves Putin, Orban, Xi, Erdogan, and extols might over right. This is a prime example of “a challenge and burden against which man often rebels”.

Of course, the fascists in the White House, Congress, the ones who are lobbyists, who are the ‘religious people’, the ‘god-fearing christian nationalists’, are not the problem. The problem is We the People! Just as justice denied to anyone is justice denied to everyone, any of the  challenges and burdens of freedom that are unmet means freedom falls and we become slaves to our desires, to our self-deception, to the mendacity of the ‘leader’ and find ourselves performing harsh labor as our ancestors did in Egypt, once again. As Jews, we know how this story plays out, as Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, we are experienced in how allowing these “challenges and burdens” be unmet, by our rebelling against them leads to tyranny, torture, gas chambers, being fed to the lions, etc. While the outrageous behaviors and speech of the mendacious ones currently in power are getting worse and worse, what is really troubling is how We, the People are buying into their bullshit and defending them! We, the People are not only “ready to abandon it”, we already have in many cases. Rather than deal with the contradictions and attacks, many of We, the People have gone along to get along, believing it won’t be as bad as you think, he has Jewish grandchildren, he is a ‘strong man’, he is a ‘warrior’, he ‘resonates’ with people, etc. For this, we are willing to “abandon” our “freedom” and throw off the Yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are willing to go against the Biblical commandments to “love your neighbor as yourself” and “proclaim freedom throughout the land and to all the inhabitants therein”. It doesn’t say only the people the ‘cult leadership’ deem to be worthy of freedom (only them and their cronies fit this description) nor does it say only the citizens(again this designation is up to the ‘cult leadership’) nor does it define “your neighbor” as only white people! Just as the Declaration of Independence is America’s challenge and burden, so too is the Bible the challenge and burden of Jews, Christians, Muslims. We, the People are not expected to finish the job, fulfill the commandments completely once and for all, rather We, the People have to respond to the demands of these holy documents, respond to the “contradictions” of “freedom” and defend it against the numerous attacks against it. Over the first 248 years of our democracy, our systems held, one or another branch of government stood up against the bully and the autocrat, today We the People must demand our elected officials, our Courts stand up unless we are cool with the abandonment of “freedom”, unless we are cool with making Germany of the 1930’s look like child’s play.

We, the People are being called by Rabbi Heschel’s words above, by our own intuitive mind, by the inner voice of higher consciousness to STAND UP, to DEFEND and PROTECT the “unalienable rights” enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. There is a demand going forth from Sinai, to people of every faith tradition and spiritual discipline to “GO TO YOURSELF/FOR YOURSELF to the “land I will show you” which is the land of democracy, the land of “freedom”. It is up to We the People to respond to this call in this moment with the same loyalty as we have to our faith tradition, our spiritual disciplines. We the People are the ones who have inherited the vision of the prophets, the vision of the Bible, the vision of the Declaration of Independence. In a marriage ceremony we sometimes hear the words, “let no man put asunder” referring to the covenantal experience of marriage. We have this same covenantal relationship with freedom as it was given to us at Mt. Sinai, because we were brought out of Egypt before and we recall and see the Egypts we are in every year at our Seders and it is high time that We the People answer the call, stay loyal to the vision of freedom and the actions that ensure We the People will always “Let Freedom Ring”.

I have fallen short of the way of being the words above teach me. I have also hit the mark and I continue to believe that “freedom” is making a “free-will moral choice” as Rabbi Abraham Twerski teaches. I have this ability, I have to do the work to clean out the shit that gets in the way of living like this-mostly my insecurities, my false desires, my inauthentic needs-which I have been lessening over these past 36 years. I am not rebelling against “freedom” anymore, I live into the burdens and challenges as well as the contradictions of being free and I am always at the ready to fight against the attackers of “freedom”, following the examples of my familial ancestors as well as the prophets, the early masters of Hassidism, and all of the people who fought for and envisioned a way of living happy, joyous and free. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Are You living as a free person-letting go of prejudices and stereotypes ? Year 4 Day 76

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 76

“For freedom is not an empty concept. Man is free to be free; he is not free in choosing to be a slave; he is free in doing good; he is not free in doing evil. To choose evil is to fail to be free. In choosing evil he is not free but determined by forces which are extraneous to the spirit. Free is he who has decided to act in agreement with the spirit that goes beyond all necessities.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 15)

I am reading these words and re-reading them to hear the logic, the wisdom, the truth and the demand of them. The idea that one is not free when one is a slave seems obvious, duh!! Yet, as I allow these words to wash over me, I realize all of the slaveries we are in, be it work, the almighty dollar, our inner slaveries, our self-deceptions, our need for certainty, for surety, our need to be right and to argue to the death our point of view, our addictive behaviors and substances, and so much more make us not free and we are too oblivious to this truth to realize it! Rabbi Heschel is pretty careful with the words he chooses and “he is not free in choosing to be a slave” points me to hear his warning, his demand, his calling out to us to look at our lives differently, not that we can do whatever we want and this makes us free, rather freedom is not “choosing to be a slave”.

Writing about this, of course, forces me to ask so many questions and look at life, both mine and what is happening in the world from the lens of slavery vis a vis ”freedom” and our awareness of our being “free to be free” and “not free in doing evil”? “Free in doing good and not free in choosing to be a slave”. As I listen to people speak and they realize that our current political climate is fraught with danger, both here and abroad, they complain of their lack of agency and, in reading this, my new response is we had agency in November of 2024 and we didn’t use it to the best of our ability, we knew what was planned and, maybe for the first time in his life, Trump is being true to his words, retribution, weaponizing the government, tax cuts for the rich, tariffs, and taking over Greenland, Panama, and Canada! We the People, chose to be a slave because we did not exercise our freedom to see, to think, to hear, to know what is true and what is false, what is freedom and what is slavery, what is good and what is evil. By ignoring our basic freedom to know, we find ourselves in the quandary of our own making and too many people are unwilling to admit this and/or see the mess we are in and heading towards.

Trump wants “Hitler’s Generals”, Musk praises Stalin, Mao, Hitler and blames their “public specter employees” for the mass murders, and people still believe in them! Talk about “choosing evil” and “not free but determined by forces which are extraneous to the spirit”!!! AND, the political turmoil, the undermining of our freedoms and our democracy are also “forces which are extraneous to the spirit”. These actions, our “choosing to be a slave” last November(remember some are guilty, all our responsible), are the outer manifestations of our inability to accept the freedom we received at Sinai, the freedom of following a path of decency, kindness, justice, mercy, imperfection, and truth. It seems as if our mendacious need to be perfect, to be certain, to know what the future holds, overrides our need to be present in the moment, rejoice in our imperfections, immerse ourselves in the spiritual texts we read so we can be one grain of sand freer today than we were yesterday.

I am hearing Rabbi Heschel call us to take stock of our inner lives, to do the inner work necessary to “know the difference between cursed be Haman and blessed be Mordechai”. I hear the demand to properly prepare for Passover because we, unlike our ancestors, have the forewarning that Passover is coming, we are going to be able to leave whatever Egypt, narrow place, we are currently in and walk through the desert to freedom at Sinai, on Shavuot. We the People need to do this inventory, this inner work so we can clear out the plaque in our spiritual arteries and the wax in our spiritual hearing. We, the People are in desperate need for a “new pair of glasses” and maybe even Cataract surgery because we seem to have lost our hearing, our eyesight, and our ability to discern truth from lies, freedom from slavery, good from evil. “We got trouble, right here in River City, with a capital T” which could stand for Trump or “rhymes with a capital P” and that could stand for Putin!.

The issue is, however, as we are in Lent, Ramadan, and preparing for leaving Egypt, to see our inner Trump, Putin, Musk, Pharaoh, as well as  the inner Moses, the inner spirit, the inner prophet. We have all of these ‘voices’, ‘ideas’, ‘ways of being’ within us and we have to be constantly choosing which one will speak for us, which one will determine our actions- the one that is free or the one that is a slave to greed, power, etc. Remember the prophets railed against the very same type of leadership that We the People chose last November. It is not as if we are not constantly warned about the fragility of freedom, the need to “act in agreement with the spirit that goes beyond all necessities”-the entire Bible has stories of what happens when we go against our basic need to be free, what happens when we “choose to be a slave”, yet we seem incapable of learning from it, from the experiences of our ancestors who fled tyranny to be free in “the new world”. We the People are being called to use this time when all three Western Religions come together to celebrate being free and take the time to do the inner work to be free, to “act in agreement with the spirit that goes beyond all necessities” because the greatest necessity is for We the People to live in freedom and choose the good!

I know the subtleties of “choosing to be a slave” and I am repulsed by the times I knowingly and unknowingly chose slavery over freedom-UGH! I am also aware of the times when I gave into “forces which are extraneous to the spirit” and chose evil, not necessarily EVIL, rather the small things that have such great impact on another and my spiritual health-DOUBLE UGH!! I am also aware of how often I have chosen freedom, I have done the good because it is the next right thing to do, how often I have nullified my will before God’s will so God’s will becomes mine and how often I choose to be free, no longer giving my dignity and worth over to someone else to validate, rather the knowing of freedom and the engaging in acts of freedom that are “in agreement with” both my spirit and “the spirit that goes beyond all necessities.” Truth, justice, kindness, mercy, using my prophetic voice, speaking truth to power, all are expressions of being free. Grateful to all my teachers and friends who help me to stay free! Let’s leave the Egypt of our own making this year!! God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Are you willing to "climb across" the normal, the 'safety net' of your rational mind and experience the transcendence of Freedom? Year 4 Day75

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 75

“The meaning of freedom is not exhausted by deliberation, decision, and responsibility, although it must include all this. The meaning of freedom presupposes an openness to transcendence, and man has to be responsive before he can become responsible.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg. 15)

I am eager to arise each morning, way too early, so I can read Rabbi Heschel’s wisdom for this day, I can hear his call and I can improve my ability to “be responsive”. We are living, once again, in a time where people of ‘no-faith’ are not the “NONES” who respond to the various surveys/polls done. The people of ‘no-faith’ are the people who have so twisted and bastardized the words of the Bible, the message of Jesus, the tao of Buddha, they are really worshiping the idols of their own making, either in the form of a person or an idea/rationalization they have conjured up for their own power and prestige. Unfortunately, these ‘no-faith’ people are in charge and desperate to take away our “freedom” as well as our money, safety, security, etc. Like Pharaoh in the Bible, like the Romans in Jerusalem, like Torquemada in Spain, like King George, like so many others throughout history, people who are the loudest about their loyalty to god, who claim this is what god wants are actually descendants of the people of Haran who bought the idols that Abraham’s father was making!

The cruelty, the mendacity, the “not knowing the difference between Blessed be Mordechai and Cursed be Haman” that is ‘celebrated on Purim, has put us into a situation where truth is so hard to find, it has been so bastardized and raped by the ‘good god-fearing christian nationalists’ like Vance, Vought, etc, most people are unable to discern fact from fiction, truth from lies, and good from evil. All of our “deliberation, decision, and responsibility” today seems to be geared towards screwing one another, not helping one another live free. During this period of Lent, Ramadan, preparation for Passover, isn’t it time for us to engage in the spiritual work that the universe is calling us to? Isn’t it time for us to do what it takes to be liberated from the internal prison of rationalizations, “deliberations”, and choosing the “responsibility” to the shareholders, to our benefactors over our “responsibility” to freedom for all?

We cannot do this unless we immerse ourselves in the wisdom above, the words of the Bible, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and all of their authentic disciples. Immersing ourselves is to experience the words and thoughts, the meanings and vision as if we are hearing them, reading them and seeing them in real time and in the moment. “What is the question that this piece of wisdom is the answer for today”, my Rabbi, Jonathan Omer-man used to ask me and I still ask myself and every one I study with. How do we engage in “an openness to transcendence”? “Transcendence” comes from the word transcend and the Latin is “to climb across”, hence “transcendence” is to “climb across” the norm, letting go of our adjustments to societal norms, and go to the realm of our souls, of living into the gifts of our intuitive minds. The issue for We the People is whether we are willing to be open to anything that we cannot see, touch, feel. Are we capable of climbing across our thoughts, feelings, our self-deceptions and the deceptions of another(s) to engage in the “radical amazement” and “wonder” that comes with allowing ourselves to have “an openness to transcendence”? In this moment, this is the most pressing question We the People are facing and it seems as if too many are not engaging in this openness, they are too stuck in their inner slavery, they are too invested in their self-deception and they are following the teaching of Raba in the Talmud: get so drunk we don’t know the difference between Haman and Mordechai! The people who refuse to be open to “transcendence” are also the people who are not following the teachings of Hillel in Pirke Avot, don’t get too friendly with the authorities because they are not your friends” and, in a place where there is no humanity, be human!(Pirke Avot, 2:3, 5)

We the People, as we engage in the spiritual discipline of our choice, as we let go of something for Lent, purify ourselves during Ramadan, search out and let go of the Chometz that has made us fat and lazy, insolent, deaf, and blind since last Passover, desperately need to “climb across” the abyss of lies, grifts, bastardizations and the deceptions of self and by another. We are being called to each and every day, demands are placed upon us by the cry of the needy and the poor, the desperation of the stranger seeking refuge and a better way of living, the elderly who are lonely, the veterans who answered the call to safeguard us, the prophets who follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, the prophets. 4 weeks from last night is the first Seder, the reading of the Haggadah and the meal celebrating liberation. We are not free until we reach Sinai and accept the “yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven”, until we agree “to do and then understand”. “Transcendence” is such a part of the story of Passover, the counting of the Omer and then receiving the Torah at Sinai, we read about the Rabbis who were gathered at B’Nai Brak, and told by their students that they were going to miss the time to say the Shema because of their discussions. What they were planning, according to our lore, is the Bar Kochba revolt, the last effort to be free of Roman rule, the rule of another country/despot. Isn’t this what Passover is all about-planning our freedom from our inner slaveries, ridding ourselves of the fat and lard, the treif, leavening that has clogged our spiritual arteries and caused plaque to constrict our intuitive minds giving too much power to our servant, the rational mind? This is the demand, the call: be “responsive” to the build up of shmutz that has poisoned our minds, narrowed our thinking like when we were in Egypt, helped us believe the lies we tell ourselves and the ones we have been imbued with. There is a difference between what is truth and goodness and what is a lie and evil-we cannot confuse these ways of being anymore!

I do everything I can to be “responsive” and “have an openness to transcendence” because living at the level of lies, of evil, of negativity led me to being a drunk and a thief. It allowed me to lie to myself, blame another(s) for my bad actions, deny and defend myself all the while shirking my duties and obligations as a son, brother, husband and father. Recovery through Torah and 12-steps has given me the wherewithal to “hear the call”, “respond to the demand” and take the next right action. I am engaged in my Passover preparation, I am deliberate and diligent about “being human” and not buying my bullshit nor the bullshit and lies of another, no matter who is spouting them. “Freedom” is the not only the greatest gift, as described above, it is the greatest way to thank the universe for this gift. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Moral and Spiritual Isolation leads to egocentricity and cruelty - Year 4 Day 74

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 74

This sensitivity to the novel and the unprecedented is the foundation of God-awareness and of the awareness of the preciousness of all beings. It leads from reflexive concern and the moral and spiritual isolation which is the result of egocentricity to a mode of responding to each new and unique experience in terms of broader considerations, wider interests, deeper appreciation and new, as yet unrealized values.”(Insecurity of Freedom pg. 15)

Today is Purim, tonight is Shabbat and tomorrow we read the story of the Golden Calf in Temples and Synagogues across the world. We also begin the countdown of 4 weeks until Passover, the “season of our liberation”. In order for all of us to be human, in order for all of us to be free, I am hearing Rabbi Heschel call us to have “sensitivity to the novel and unprecedented” rather than see the world as “same shit, different day”. We are being made aware, once again, what it takes to live into the world as it is meant to be, what it takes for us to live into our soul’s purpose and fulfill the meaning of our unique existence: “God-awareness and the awareness of the preciousness of all beings.” This is the path to freedom, worthiness, wholeness and joy and without the “sensitivity”, we are lost, we become slaves to our wants and desires as well as the wants and desires of another(s).

We are in the throes of a cycle that has been in the world for millennia, progress and then pull back, awareness and then willful blindness, “reflexive concern” and then ‘responding to each new and unique experience”. In this moment, we are being held by our throats and a gun is being put to our head to ignore “God-awareness and the awareness of the preciousness of all beings” for the sake of the few, the rich, the ones in power, the ‘god-fearing christian nationalists’ who know nothing of what Christ said, lived, taught! Rather than being sensitive to these awareness’, rather than being sensitive to the “preciousness of all beings” almost half of this country is only sensitive to their own ‘preciousness’ , their own needs and desires, jettisoning “God-awareness” for the worship of idols, of the ‘great leader’, etc. Rather than understand there is always a Haman(boo) who wants to destroy a certain group that she/he believes will thwart his/her quest for power or wants to use them as scapegoats, blaming them for the ills of the country and getting their loyal followers to hate them also-i.e. George Soros, most people buy into the bullshit these ‘leaders’ are slinging and we find ourselves in the situation we have today-people losing jobs for no good reason, the stock market and the economy are in chaos for no good reason, Democratic leaders are called dictators and dictators are hailed as ‘freedom fighters’, etc. Yet, no matter what this ‘leader’ does, his minions will clap like trained seals and his soldiers will fight his battles for him. Donald Trump is a brilliant marketer, throughout his lifetime, he has sold ice to Eskimos, and he has sold his people the idea that “reflexive concern” is more important that “a mode of responding to each new and unique experience…” We’re in a state of “moral and spiritual isolation” that is so disguised by Mike Johnson, et al that they believe they are ‘god-fearing christians’ of the highest order and Trump is their messiah!! He is their ‘anointed by God’ savior-this is the height of insensitivity to me.

Living into the words above takes We the People to leave the “moral and spiritual isolation” we have been living in. This is such a subtle state that we easily deceive ourselves that we are not in it by attending services, by saying our daily prayers, by spouting the rhetoric of the church, temple, mosque, spiritual discipline. Yet, we are seeing the effects of this “moral and spiritual isolation” the effects of the “reflexive concern” and the “egocentricity” of people in the ways we are treating one another. We forget whom we owe debts to; people who have helped us along our journey, God, parents, siblings, customers, employers, employees, etc. We are watching the “I” of our egos on full display in our homes as well as in the streets and in the halls of Congress as well as the White House-all of which belong to “all the people” of this country. When parents are authoritarians instead of guides and teachers, when children are unappreciative of the sacrifices parents make and their entitlement for what they believe should be done to and for them, when people want to force their beliefs onto everyone else, when morality and civility are considered ‘woke’, when cruelty is said to be the exercise of freedom, We the People have to stand up and say NO, NO, NO!

It is time for We the People to live into the teaching above that moment brings about a “new and unique experience in terms of broader considerations, riders interests, deeper appreciation and new, as yet unrealized values”. Rather than sit on the sidelines, rather than be depressed and in despair, Rabbi Heschel is calling We the People to action. We the People need to look inside ourselves and hear the still, small voice of wisdom and knowing, of action and goodness, of truth and justice. Following this inner voice is a path to the freedom we all seek and only some of us find. When we have “sensitivity” we are able to see far beyond the horizon, we are able to hear with clarity what the next right action is, and we are emboldened with a strength that is beyond anything we ever imagined to stand up, to take our inheritance from the prophets and speak truth to power, block the path of the usurpers and live our “God-awareness” out loud as well as extolling the “preciousness of all beings.” We the People are the messengers God has sent to the world, We the People get to do this work, We the People need to do it now!

I have been sensitive to these concerns of God for a long time, for a period of time they were not deemed worthy concerns by people around me. I fought for justice as a kid/teenager and lost the will to fight along the way. I stood with Civil Rights activists and anti-war activists, I cheated people and saw them as ‘my ticket out of poverty’ rather than as “precious beings”. I have lived the entire gamut of this continuum and it is better on the side that Rabbi Heschel is describing! I like seeing the “preciousness of all beings” because this gives me empathy and I can see the pathetic nature of these charlatans, idolators in charge, these spiritually and morally bankrupt people in all arenas of our living and our world. They are responsible and I can go to war with them with a heart of peace when I remember they are also precious children of God, when I remember they are lost sheep who can do a lot of damage, have to be corralled and it has to be NOW before the damage they cause is irreparable. I have had my interests widened, my considerations broadened, and my ability to see this moment as unique and respond accordingly because of my sensitivity to truth, justice, the moment, and God. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Ass-kissing, Going along to get along or radical amazement-where do you live? Year 4 Day 73

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 73

“The shock of radical amazement, the humility born in awe and reverence, the austere discipline of unremitting inquiry and self-criticism are acts of liberating man from the routine way of looking only at those features of experience which are similar and regular, and opening his soul to the unique and transcendent.”(Insecurity of Freedom pg. 15)

Tonight is the Rabbinic holiday of Purim, when the Jews were saved from Haman (boo) and Mordechai (Yay) was honored by the King and Queen Esther saved the people Israel from extinction in Persia. It is a troubling holiday for many people because rather than show grace and compassion, when they had the opportunity, the Jews of Persia killed tens of thousands of people, a real “I’ll show you, you anti-semite”. It also is a holiday that ‘celebrates’ getting drunk as the Talmud says, “ad lo Yodea” “until you don’t know the difference between Mordechai and Haman”. Reading the words above, reading Jonathan Greenblatt’s ass-kissing praise of Trump’s arresting Mahmoud Khalil, I realize to celebrate the disastrous actions by the Jews of Persia and by some Jews ever since, like Baruch Goldstein, Meir Kahane, Netanyahu, the West Bank Settlers, we have to be drunk and not know the difference between good and evil not know the difference between right and wrong. Which is exactly what Khalil’s arrest shows, exactly what Trump’s administration is promoting and what a USEFUL IDIOT Greenblatt and other ‘good jews’ are!

Rather than having “the shock of radical amazement” change and motivate these assholes and know-it-alls to understand, see and fight for what is right and good, they are oblivious to even noticing the wonder that surrounds them because they live in a world of certainty and sureness-‘only I can fix it’, said by the one who is intent on breaking everything that makes us free and democratic. Yet, there are jews, christians, muslims, blacks, hispanics, who claim to be ‘god-fearing’ people who go against the dictate of Hillel: “ Be careful with ruling authorities, they don’t befriend a person unless it suits them and serves them, they seem like friends and don’t stand by you in your hour of distress”(Pirke Avot 2:3) and another one: “A brute is not afraid of sin…nor is someone who engages in too much business, wise. In a place where there are no humans, BE HUMAN.” (Ibid 2:5) Given the world today, I am amazed at Greenblatt’s words and actions of kissing the asses of the people in power and calling this “jewish” when Hillel the Elder, a revered Rabbi in the Talmud, tells us it is wrong! Of course Greenblatt and other Jews will defend their choices and Trump to the death because he “resonates” with the people. Haman(boo) resonated with the people, Stalin did also at first, Hitler, Sabbatai Zevi also resonated, were they also to be praised???

“Radical amazement”, “awe”, “reverence”, “humility”, “self-criticism”, “unremitting inquiry”  are the only paths to “having an authentic awareness of that which is” as Rabbi Heschel says in Man is Not Alone. These traits reside within each and every person and those who choose to live into them are often derided as ‘head in the clouds’, ‘unrealistic’, ‘not living in the real world’, stupid, easily manipulated, etc. Rather than seeing themselves as imprisoned in their rational minds, in their desires and fears, in their need to have power or be close to it, Greenblatt and the other ‘useful idiots’ who are supporting Trump, who want a dissenter like Khalil deported are forgetting Germany in the 1930’s, they are forgetting America in the 1930’s, they are oblivious that the law being used to deport Khalil is the same one that was used to deport and not allow Jews into America during the McCarthy years and that was a great time for freedom, for civil liberties, wasn’t it?

Only through the ways described above can We the People have the experiences which will get us out of the routine “same shit different day” attitude and way of being in the world. Only through wonder can We the People truly see what is, what could be, what should be and how to get there. Our rational minds are the servants to help us get there and out intuitive minds are the seer, the visionary, the pathfinders for us to fulfill our soul’s purpose, to live into the “self we were created to be” as Thomas Merton says. We the People are being called to “unremitting inquiry”, Rabbi Heschel is demanding that we never stop asking the right questions so we can be in the right solutions. It is a hard way to live, Socrates taught: “an unexamined life is not worth living” some 2400 years ago, Malcom X taught “an examined life is painful”. As the saying goes: “no pain, no gain” which makes it ridiculous that We the People keep running away from true “humility” which comes from “awe and reverence”, that we keep being adjusted to the conventional notions and mental cliches of societal norms rather than be maladjusted like Moses, Abraham, the Prophets, the 20% of the people who left Egypt, Rather than be like the Jews of Persia and enjoy killing, We the People are able to be “liberating” ourselves through letting go of these old ideas, being self-critical to learn and grow, find  and live into our individual uniqueness and transcendence. WILL YOU??

As a devotee of Rabbi Heschel and radical amazement, as someone who read the entire sugya of the story of “ad lo yodea” where Raba invites Rabbi Zera over for Purim-they both get drunk, Raba slits Rabbi Zera’s throat and then prays and he is healed. Next year, Raba invites Rabbi Zera over and the response is: “a miracle doesn’t occur every single time”! To the Jews who don’t want to know the difference tonight, I offer more than a few words of caution! As a drunk who knows the damage I inflicted in my drunkenness, I am deeply remorseful. As a human being who fell into the clutches of not being self-critical at times and was blinded by it, I offer many words of caution! Radical amazement is such a gift that is open to everyone. It takes humility, not mealy-mouthed head down, begging for scraps, true humility, knowing who one is, living a “unique and transcendent life” and helping another(s) do the same. It changes how I was with my daughter, Heather, acknowledging her as a person, not just ‘my child’, giving her agency and doing my best to ensure she knew I loved her as a person. This way of being is the path to the loving relationship I have with Harriet, it is also the reason I have spiritual friends and also the reason I am not always liked so much. I am certainly not everyone’s “cup of tea”. I can’t ‘go along to get along” like Greenblatt and many others do-not in my nature nor nurture-my father didn’t and I am not ‘politically correct’! While I know I am not always right, I do live “an examined life” and it is painful and the pain leads me to living in radical amazement, awe, reverence, humility more and more each day. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Is creativity achievable without freedom? Year 4 Day 72

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 72

“Although all men are potentially free, it is our sacred duty to safeguard all those political, social, and intellectual conditions which will enable every man to bring about the concrete actualization of freedom which is the essential prerequisite of creative achievement. Insecurity of Freedom pg.15)

Over 60 years ago Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, in his “I have a Dream” speech said:”Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, I am Free at Last” which is a quote from a “Negro Spiritual” speaking about death as the ultimate freedom when one is a slave. Hearing Rabbi Heschel’s words written 5 years prior to that speech and prior to ever meeting Rev. King, I immediately thought of these words. “Free at Last” is not just about outer freedom, it is also about inner freedom. Without inner freedom, without sharing our path to inner freedom, we will never move beyond “potentially free” and we certainly will not fulfill our “sacred duty to safeguard all those political, social, and intellectual conditions…”. This, of course, is the demand of the first sentence; to see what our “sacred duty” is and this “sacred duty” is not just about some ritual we perform to ‘look good’ in the ‘eyes’ of God or the people in our houses of worship, it is about how we help every human being “bring about the concrete actualization of freedom” and this is what Rev. King may have been pointing to when he ended his I have a Dream speech with “Free at Last”. He unburdened himself of the shackles of sticking to the page, he allowed his soul to speak for him and he, as Mahalia Jackson suggested, preached his Gospel, the same Gospel found in the Bible, in the words of Jesus, etc.

In our present climate, these words, the words of Rev King seem trite and ridiculous. Maybe they were then as well, I just remembering being enthralled by Dr. King and his speeches because they said the same things that my father, z”l, was teaching my brothers and me-it is our duty to treat all people with respect regardless of race, color, creed, religion. In the 1960’s I was not aware of Rabbi Heschel, unfortunately, and these words written in 1958 point to his being able to incorporate the errors of past generations and what he saw in the moment with his prophetic vision and give us these warnings, which, of course, we have failed to heed. The goal of our Declaration of Independence and the path laid out by the Constitution are lofty and match this first sentence above; the issue being that we have failed to move them forward to a tipping point whereby every different administration, every different Congress, every single citizen will accept their “sacred duty to safeguard all those political, social, and intellectual conditions…” We are witnessing the exact opposite of fulfilling “our sacred duty” right now, Trump and his people, under the direction of Putin and ‘christian nationalists like Russell Vought, are doing everything they can to undo these “safeguards” and to tear down the “concrete actualization of freedom” for all people and limit this “concrete actualization of freedom” to only the select few of their choosing, not even all who bend their knees and kiss their asses will experience this “actualization” and they are too spiritually immature to realize it. Rather than have “creative achievement” that come about because of this “actualization of freedom” people like those in power in the US and across the globe believe they can force people to be “creative” even though they are enslaving them. It hasn’t worked so well in Russia under Putin, it has never worked that well for any autocrat, any despot Monarch for any long period of time. Greece fell, Rome fell, Babylonia, Assyria, England, Spain, France, the Ottoman Empire, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, why not the US? We thought we were immune because we were founded on religious freedom, we enshrined freedoms in the first amendment to our Constitution and we became oblivious to the warnings of Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha all of whom, in their own way, called to us to not think we are so high and mighty, not believe our own press and treat every person with dignity and respect-we are all equal in the eyes of God, in our Higher Consciousness, whether we believe it or not; this is just a spiritual and moral truth.

We, the People are being called by the words above, by the current situation, by Rev. King’s words, by all of the holy texts of every spiritual discipline to our “sacred duty to safeguard all those political, social, and intellectual conditions which will enable every man to achieve the concrete actualization of freedom..”! We the People have abdicated this “sacred duty” for far too long and the current situation of bullying, of disloyalty to the Constitution, to our allies and friends, of racism, of hatred, of disdain for the principles found in the Bible all while wrapping themselves in the ‘flag’ and ‘christian values’ is the result! We the People have to get off our asses and demand change, demand that our elected officials do their “sacred duty” and ensure freedom for all so we can have more “creative achievement” and be a better nation today than we were yesterday, just as we have to be better human beings today than we were yesterday if we are to continue to “grow along spiritual lines”. We the People are being called to show up and stand up for our brothers and sisters as Deuteronomy teaches “Love the stranger because you were a stranger in the land of Egypt”; Rabbi Heschel is reminding us that without our doing our “sacred duty” freedom will be lost for all people and then the words on the Liberty Bell and in Leviticus 25:10 will ring hollow as they did for almost 2000 years and there will not be anyone to: “proclaim freedom throughout the land and to all its inhabitants therein”. Is this really what We the People want to leave as our legacy to our children and grandchildren? Is this really what We the People want our final will and testament to say?

I am sending postcards to the White House for the Ides of Trump and while I do not to see anyone do to him what was done to Caesar, I do think it is time for our Congress to tell him “You’re Fired”! In reflecting on my life, I believe that I accepted the “sacred duty to safeguard…” and enabled many people “bring about the concrete actualization of freedom” and they then use this “freedom” to bring about “creative achievements”. It is a joy and an honor, to be a witness to the throwing off the inner shackles which have kept people (including myself) slaves to societal bullshit and lies, slaves to their own self-deceptions, and watch in awe and wonder at their “creative achievements” in their newfound “freedom”. This is the fight we all have to fight, both in our own lives and help another(s) with their inner wars to be free with all the rights and responsibilities that freedom carries according to the Bible. I have not always been “nice” in my manners and I have seen helping people see the handcuffs and prison cells that keep them locked up and help them find their road to freedom as my “sacred duty”. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Who are the real traitors? Who are the people who sacrifice for the greater good? - Year 4 Day 71

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 71

“Freedom is the liberation from the tyranny of the self-centered ego. It comes about in moments of transcending the self as an act of spiritual ecstasy, of stepping out of the confining framework of routine reflexive concern. Freedom presupposes the capacity for sacrifice.”(Insecurity of Freedom pg.15)

These descriptions of and defining terms about “freedom” are so poignant in our times and I believe “freedom” has become so bastardized and ignored that we have become oblivious to what it is, how to keep it, how to grow it and how easy it is to lose it. It is so interesting that the people who hate immigrants are descendants of immigrants and/or immigrants who came here to pursue ‘the American dream’ because Musk couldn’t do it in his native South Africa because of his prejudice and hatred of anyone not white like him. Earlier in this chapter Rabbi Heschel reminds us of the “true essence” of “freedom”: to sacrifice prejudice even if it hurts, to give up superstition even when it claims to be a doctrine. We are witnessing the exact opposite of both sacrificing “prejudice” and “to give up superstition”. “Prejudice comes from the Latin meaning “in advance of knowledge” and superstition comes from the Latin meaning “to stand over”. In both cases, truth and knowledge are being “sacrificed” not “prejudice” nor “superstition” and we see both running rampant in the world today. We are so “prejudiced” that we are willing to let go of the “freedom” that our Constitution and the Amendments guarantee! We are so superstitious that we are willing to have Trump, Musk, Putin, Bibi stand over us as Pharaohs and their minions like the taskmasters in Egypt so we do their bidding and, like Joseph did in Egypt, there are Jews who are willing to gouge the populaces so the wannabe oligarchs, these Pharaohs and their courtiers can get richer!

It seems like a dream, like an unrealistic way of being reading the words in bold above. What was Rabbi Heschel thinking? How could he have such a utopian view of human beings after witnessing Nazi Germany firsthand, after losing so much of his family and a way of life in the Shoah? I would say that is exactly how and why he is calling out to us and demanding we not fall asleep again, that we “lift up our eyes and see” what truly is, not what the Pharaohs, the wannabe oligarchs, the liars and the deceivers are trying to show us. He is demanding we stop playing the shell game with these cheaters and recommit to the covenant of freedom that was made by the founding fathers of this great nation. It is a great nation and only people who want to deceive and enrich themselves want to ‘make it great again’-as we can see with the chaos and disruption the Musk/Trump administration is doing and the effects on the economy, the market and everyday items that ‘only they can bring down’!

The only sacrifices that are being made in this moment are the ones by people who believe in “freedom”, who know the “tyranny of the self-centered ego”, not by the people elected to maintain and grow our freedoms. These people are seeking the approval of Putin and his minions, Trump and Musk, Bannon and Miller, Bibi and Smotrich, etc. They have abdicated their duties for fear of not being re-elected, for fear of Trump’s private militia, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, coming after them and/or their family. They are afraid of Pam Bondi filing charges against them, etc. Rather than seeking “moments of transcending the self”, rather than having an experience of “spiritual ecstasy”, these ‘good christians’ who do not follow what Christ preaches, instead stay within “the confining framework of routine reflexive concern. And We the People elected them!!

This is our moment, this is our calling, this is the meaning of Lent, of Easter, of Ramadan, of Passover, of all holy days in every faith and spiritual discipline. We the People need to reclaim our “freedom”. We do this by reclaiming our personal “freedom”, by going back to the basic principles of faith and “freedom”-transcending our lower selves and serving our higher consciousness, our “intuitive minds”. To do this we have to first acknowledge the lower self for what it is, a servant to our higher consciousness, a servant to our intuitive mind. We the People have to know that both ‘selves’ are necessary and needed in order to be human and to be free. We can “transcend the self” when we are aware of and in service to our higher consciousness, to our intuitive minds, to our spirits, to our “gut instincts”. We have the moments of spiritual ecstasy Rabbi Heschel is speaking of more and more often, and, we live into the words of the V’Ahavta  prayer: “You will speak of them when you lie down..teach them to your children..” In other words, the more we serve our higher consciousness, our intuitive minds, the more we live the principles and values found in the Holy texts of every spiritual discipline and the better off we are to ward off, fight back against the autocrats, the wannabe dictators, the mendacious and despicable useful idiots of these ‘leaders’. Living to serve our higher ‘self’, “stepping out of the framework of routine reflexive concern” means we are in “sacrifice” of saving our face, we “sacrifice” our false selves, our masks and our mental make-up for truth, for goodness, for “freedom” and then we can and will “proclaim freedom throughout the land and to all its inhabitants therein”!

I am enraged, bereft and bewildered at the loss of “freedom” so many of us are experiencing right now. I watch as Musk, an unelected IMMIGRANT, who has been on the DOLE OF THE GOVERNMENT his entire business career, is slashing every freedom and safety net for people ‘not like him’. He and Trump and the rest of them are hurting white people, people of color, Jews, Christians, Muslims alike without a care in the world for another human being. I know this way of being, every addict, everyone knows this way of being and anyone who says they don’t understand and/or they are good people living ‘good christian values’, ‘living what is written in the torah’ are LIARS and stuck in self-deception! I lived as a narcissist and a bully, a deceiver and a grifter; I hurt a lot of people and I have lived these past 36 years doing TShuvah. I know the signs of the lie and it drives me crazy, I hear Rabbi Heschel’s words in my head and know I have to do something, so I write to you each day, I post on social media, and I support people who stand up against these “People of the Lieas M. Scott Peck describes in his book of the same name. Rabbi Heschel is calling me to do more, to not settle, to not give into despair and to fight for the Good, for the Holy, for the Principles and Values of the Bible. I hear him remind me that the Prophets stood up knowing the people would not listen, Moses gave us a prophecy of what would happen when, not if, we succumbed to a Trump, a Putin, a Musk and I fear, once again it will take great suffering to regain “freedom”. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



How do you define Freedom? Year 4 Day 70

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 70

“Freedom is the liberation from the tyranny of the self-centered ego. It comes about in moments of transcending the self as an act of spiritual ecstasy, of stepping out of the confining framework of routine reflexive concern. Freedom presupposes the capacity for sacrifice.”(Insecurity of Freedom pg.15)

Sitting at my computer, reading these words leaves me understanding Rabbi Heschel’s teaching in God in Search of Man that “freedom” is an event. For most people, “liberation from the tyranny of the self-centered ego” never occurs or if it does, they are not aware of it. In AA there is a saying; “I may not be much but I am all I think about”. Psychologists/therapists ask:”how does this make you feel”, making the feelings and thoughts of the individual uber alles. While it is important to think of oneself and know how experiences make us ‘feel’, the ridiculous emphasis on the individual, on ‘success’, on wealth and power for the sake of the individual’s mental health has led us to live in “the tyranny of the self-centered ego”.

In government, we no longer have “public servants”, we have people whose ego is so self-centered and they are so consumed with being re-elected, they no longer care about what is good and right, they are hellbent on lying and deceiving their constituents about their votes, their lack of progress and forcing the country, the state, the city, to suffer under the “tyranny of their self-centered ego”. Rather than be the “public servants” envisioned by the founding fathers, politics is a full-time job. Rather than serving the greater good ala Daniel Webster, they serve their agendas, their party leader’s whims and desires and they too become trapped in the “tyranny of the ‘leader’s’ self-centered ego”. Isn’t it horrifying to realize how UNFREE our elected officials are, how UNFREE we are and how difficult it is to become liberated?

Individuals are totally susceptible to falling into the “tyranny of the self-centered ego” and not realizing it because our societal norms are to fight to be right, never surrender, and, especially in this modern era, deny, deny, lie, lie, never take responsibility for anything ‘bad’, always take credit for anything good, use deception and mendacity to ‘fool’ the public, our neighbor, our family, etc. We are so stuck in this “tyranny” that we are unaware of how tightly our “self-centered ego” has us by the throat and is chocking the spirit out of us. We are oblivious to the death and destruction of our creativity, our ability to see and hear truth, to participating in the covenant made with God by our ancestors and re-made by each of us with our birth. The “self-centered ego” is a tyrant! It is a despot that leads us to engage in autocracy, in absolutism, and it uses oppressive power, cruelty for the sake of cruelty, chaos, deception, fear, blame and scapegoats to feed itself and imprison the individual and the people around it. The “self-centered ego” begins with Cain and has continued through this moment. it is the root cause of entitlement, of enslavement, of not welcoming the stranger, of making poor people into criminals just for being poor, of using jails and prisons to deal with people who have mental health challenges, etc. The “tyranny of the self-centered ego” is so devious that we are unaware of how it kills the kindness within us, how it stops us from being, as Thomas Merton says,: “the self we were created to be”.

Of course the same is true in the religious realm. We have people put into positions of power and they say they are serving God when really they are serving themselves, their egos, their agendas. Leaders of Churches, Temples, Mosques routinely make decisions and invent rituals that exclude people, the lay leaders have their agendas and if the Priest, Minister, Imam, Rabbi doesn’t follow it, if they speak truth to power, they are fired. Most clergy, however, succumb to the whims and wishes of “the board”, most clergy live in the “tyranny of the self-centered ego” because they believe their interpretation of scripture is correct, most are unwilling to truly entertain arguments questioning their rulings, questioning their actions, questioning them. Rather than being a forum and a place for divergent ideas, most religious institutions have their own dogma, their own ‘flavor’ and work hard to promote their own agendas. This is, of course, OUTRAGEOUS!

Easter is April 20th and Passover begins on April 12th; the period of Lent is to prepare for Easter and the period between the first of Nissan, March 30, and Passover is to prepare to be liberated. This confluence of Holy Days is not accidental, after all Christ’s Last Supper was a Passover Seder. They both are the root stories of Christianity and Judaism. Yet, we seem to see them only as times to get together, ask when do we eat, be bored by the reading of the Haggadah, unless there are antics and theatrics, go to Church to show off our “Easter Bonnets”, etc. Both Easter and Passover are about “the liberation from the tyranny of the self-centered ego”, i.e. “freedom”. We the People have to engage in these Holy Days if we want any chance of having an experience of “freedom”, if we yearn to unshackle ourselves from the “tyranny of the self-centered ego”, our own and/or the ones that are controlling us like Presidents, Senators, Congresspeople, Clergy, Parents, Siblings, bosses… We, the People are being called upon to STAND UP for our true selves, to REBEL against the tyrannical madness of governing bodies in every realm of our life, to ENGAGE in truth and goodness, to UNDERSTAND that the stories of Passover and Easter are not one and done, rather we have to engage in UNSHACKLING ourselves from our “self-centered egos” every day.

I know the “tyranny of the self-centered ego”, I lived it for over 20 years and knew I was enslaved to it, without any hope of being free of it. I was ruled by it and Passover never meant much to me since my Grandfather died and stopped leading the Seder. This year, as in the past 35 years, Passover is the time for me to do an inventory since Yom Kippur. On Yom Kippur, I was clean and caught a glimpse of the purity of my soul, the cleanliness of my being-I schmutzed it up quickly and for me to be liberated on Passover, I have to rid myself of Chometz, all the leavening, all the fat that has accumulated around my soul, my mind, my inner life. I learned this from Rabbi Mel Silverman in prison and have engaged in letting go of one of the “tyranny’s” that prevents me from “liberation from … my self-centered ego” and also allows me to have more compassion for those who are still stuck in their own. I am grateful for the “freedoms” I enjoy and look forward to expanding them. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark.



How do you define "Freedom" and are your definition and your actions congruent? Year 4 Day 69

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 69

“Although political and social freedom must include all this, even the freedom to err—its true essence is in man’s ability to surpass himself, even to act against his inclinations and in defiance of his own needs and desires, to sacrifice prejudice even if it hurts, to give up superstition even when it claims to be a doctrine.”(Insecurity of Freedom pg. 14)

The definition, “true essence” of freedom as defined by Rabbi Heschel above is startling and, of course, ‘right on the money’. People have a warped idea, belief in what “freedom” is and in today’s politics, as has been true throughout the millennia, “alternative facts”, “spin”, denial, outright lies and chaos are seen as being free. Abusing and bullying those in need, those who have less power, less agency, less advocacy is seen as strength and courageous. “Prejudice” is seen as smart and a saving grace against “those people” and “superstition” is what keeps so many people from believing what their eyes are seeing. This is true across the globe and, on a more personal level, throughout families, religious institutions, ‘progressive’ and ‘conservative’ groups also. We are in such disarray as human beings, we have lost our compasses, we have lost our path towards and of “freedom” and don’t even know it! This is how deep and how dearly we are locked in self-deception and mendacity. OY, VaVOY!

Yet, the good news is that we have the "ability to surpass” ourselves, our false egos, our selfish, narcissistic habits. This experience of surpassing oneself is rampant throughout the Bible, unfortunately, not surpassing ourselves is more rampant:( and everything changes at Mt. Sinai; not the behaviors of human beings rather the pathways to be able to “surpass himself” are made clear, sort of. Murder, theft, adultery, false testimony, coveting were all rampant in Egypt and in Canaan, even among the Israelites I believe. These were ‘just the way the world works’ and along comes this band of ex-slaves and God which no one can see nor hear with their physical ear who ‘appears’, ‘speaks’ and makes a covenant with the people which they accept, even though they don’t always follow it. The same is true for us today, we make a covenant with someone, some entity, and we pledge to be loyal and true to this covenant even though we know we will not be perfect. Hence, be it with God, with higher consciousness, with our spouse, our children, our employers, our employees, we have to know we will, at times, fall short and we will continue to use our “ability to surpass” ourselves to make things right and grow along spiritual and moral lines.

More good news is that we can “act against our own inclinations and in defiance of our own needs and desires”! While this is not always the case, we are able to have our ‘good inclination’ direct our ‘evil inclination’ to do the next right thing and this is, for many, a daily occurrence that is fleeting on some days and may only happen once or twice while acting with “our own inclinations” may happen more often, we know that we can rise above them, we can master them as God tells Cain-“sin desires you much and you can master it”. While it is difficult to do this, as our inclinations lie to us and make it seem as if we don’t follow them, we will die, we will suffer great loss, we will be unhappy, etc, history has shown and many people’s personal experience validates our ability to “act against our own inclinations” brings about stability, care, kindness, loyalty, connection and honoring our covenant. In a marriage, at least in good lasting marriages, both partners “act against their own inclinations” to stay together especially when one or the other does something stupid, hurtful, wrong-be it to their partner, themselves, to another human being, this affects both partners and to stay together is to “act against the inclination” to leave and give up. We have the same issues when we our intuitive minds say one thing and our rational minds say another. Our “inclination” is to go along with what is rational, what is in keeping with the “conventional norms” of society, we don’t want to be a ‘freak’, an ‘outcast”, and to be in “freedom” we have to go against this inclination, we have to be “maladjusted to norms and words” so we can have “an authentic awareness of what is” as Rabbi Heschel’s definition of “radical amazement” teaches.

We the People have had a skewed vision of what “freedom” is and what it entails to be free, I believe. To act “in defiance of our own needs and desires” takes great spiritual strength and vision. It takes a surrender to the principles and values one finds in the Bible, the holy texts of every spiritual discipline and the commitment/covenant to follow through on “practicing these principles in all our affairs” as the 12th Step of AA calls for. We the People are being called to stand up for true “freedom” in all realms, political, social, familial and personal. This can’t happen unless we begin and not end with ourselves. Committing to strengthen our “ability to surpass” ourselves and taking actions that allow us to exercise this “ability” has to be a daily commitment and actions. We the People will no longer give ourselves and another(s) excuses as to why we chose not to “surpass” ourselves, we will be responsible for missing the mark and grow one grain of sand more to “surpass” ourselves more often. We the People are being begged to “act against our own inclinations” for selfish desires, for more and more power, money, prestige, sex, drugs, rock and roll. This can only happen when we begin each day with the gratitude found in the Modeh Ani prayer, found throughout the tenets of every faith/spiritual discipline and remembering to be grateful for what we have and what we don’t have! We the People are being reminded that we are so much more than what our rational minds tell us, that we have within us the light and sight to see and live in a world that is truly free; this is the messianic vision and We the People have within us the wherewithal to bring ourselves and those around us a little closer to this vision each day.

I have learned how to do these things and do them more often than not during each and every day. I wrestle with my “inclinations” and I am not ‘on the circuit’ as a speaker or at cocktail parties because I speak and act in “defiance of my own needs and desires” much of the time, I take into account what is right and good, true and loving and do the best I can to act accordingly. While I miss the mark often, my ‘true north’ is always in the direction that Rabbi Herschel’s words give to us. I am hearing his voice decrying what  he was a witness to; the “simonizing” of his faith so people would ‘like it’ and not be too ‘burdened’ by it. Rather than help us me be free, “mainstream” Judaism tried to put me in a straight jacket. I rebelled and am living life according to the Biblical dictates as I understand them and invite you to do the same. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark.



Do you know that each of us has the "freedom to err" and the call to do TShuvah? Year 4 Day 68

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 68

“Although political and social freedom must include all this, even the freedom to err—its true essence is in man’s ability to surpass himself, even to act against his inclinations and in defiance of his own needs and desires, to sacrifice prejudice even if it hurts, to give up superstition even when it claims to be a doctrine.”(Insecurity of Freedom pg. 14)

In the writing above, the first thing that stands out to me is, “the freedom to err”. This is one of the first freedoms we learn about in the Bible, remember the Garden of Eden story, and the last freedom we give to ourselves and to another(s).  Our society has been and is so consumed with perfection, with “getting it right”, with the fear of being shamed and deemed unworthy when we “err” that this “freedom to err” has been subjugated to the demand to perform perfectly. We experience the pressure of “getting an A” on every test in school, in sports, in business, in marriage, in our children, in, in, in. We have lost, if we ever had, the “freedom to err”.

Immersed in this thought brings me to an understanding of our lack of “freedom to err”, we misinterpret, misunderstand the Bible’s teachings about consequences for our actions. We also misinterpret and misunderstand the Bible’s teachings about TShuvah. Just the fact that people in the Bible commit errors, think about Cain killing Abel and God not intervening, is proof that we have the “freedom to err”. The story leading up to this homicide shows that we also have the freedom to do better after we err-Cain is told that “sin couches at your door, it desires you much and you can master it”. Yet, this truth goes unheard by Cain and he resorts to killing and then complains about his consequences-never once expressing remorse. Throughout the Bible we have stories and prophecies about the consequences of our errant ways, of the gross errors we will, do and may make, These are not punishments as prescribed by Biblical commentators, they are lessons and prophecies and are a flashing neon sign that we not only have the “freedom to err”, we will always make mistakes.

We human beings are well aware of our imperfections, we have a litany of things we do wrong, not ‘good enough’ that runs through our heads daily, for some of us hourly, for others every few minutes. Yet, rather than understand that we are not created to be perfect, rather than accept our need to “fail forward”, “learn and grow”, we have set up a system that measures success by how much money one has, what is the latest great thing we have done, who is the Greatest Of All Time, etc. The idea that we would willingly and confidently admit to our errors of judgement, actions, our unwitting mistakes of judgement and our lack of knowledge is anathema to our being. Hence the Bible’s direction about TShuvah!

According to the mystics, TShuvah was put into the world before the world was created and I add because God knew we would screw up and need a way back. This is the what God tells Cain, in their first exchange, ‘if you do right, you are uplifted”, showing there is a way back, the major theme of the beginning of the Book of Leviticus is about bringing sacrifices for a physical experience of expiation, Yom Kippur the day of Atonement aka At-One-Ment is the day we can be completely clear and clean for a minute of two. Rabbi Eliezer, in the Talmud, Shabbat 153(a) says we should do TShuvah one day before we die and since none of us know the day of our death, we should do it each day validating that we will take bad actions and they don’t define us. Yet, we continue to make fun of, shame and be ashamed of the errors we make, the ones friends and family make, and we punish people, no matter how much good they have done-one Oh Shit wipes out 1000 Atta Boys/Girls.

We the People have to accept and engage in our “freedom to err” as a gift from the universe, as a truth of our higher consciousness and end our constant loop of shame, guilt, saying I’m sorry and the repeating the same shit over and over again. We have become so afraid to show our imperfections that we have people who will lie about losing elections, being wrong, committing crimes, abusing people, denying rights and decency to “those people”. We the People have to stand up and speak truth to ourselves, we have to stop telling our children that what they do reflects upon the whole family and will make us outcasts AND We, the People have to, in turn, stop making outcasts of an entire family because of the actions of one member! Having the “freedom to err” doesn’t give us license to fuck up, it is only an acknowledgment of our imperfect status, it gives us the experience and permission to repent, restore what we have torn, and find new ways to deal with the emotions, inclinations, etc that these repeating experiences trigger. We the People are being called to stand up to the bullies who make fun of our imperfections, use our insecurities, our vulnerabilities against us and call them out. We the People have to wave the banner of our “freedom to err” and add it to the “Four Freedoms” that FDR laid out in January of 1941: “the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear”. We the People must demand the “freedom to err” because without it, we will never achieve the other “Four Freedoms”. We the People begin this old/new way of living by doing our own inventories, our own admitting of errors, speaking of our imperfections to our children, our parents, our family, friends, co-workers, communities and governments. Our society has to let go of these old ways of using vulnerabilities against people and embrace the imperfections of self and one another with the responsibility to do TShuvah. In this way, the “freedom to err” becomes a foundational learning experience rather than a foundational hiding excuse.

I have been “free to err” for my entire life and only in the last 38 years have I enjoyed it. I have been ‘beaten’ up by another(s) for my errors, I have paid the consequences for my errors(sometimes more than I think they were worth) and I am still standing, growing, writing, preaching, and teaching. The “freedom to err” has given me access to all sorts of freedoms, the ones FDR speaks of and the greatest one for me-the freedom to learn. It also gives me my unique pathway to fulfill the Biblical paths of living well and overcoming my own errors, change my paths, both external and internal, change my thinking and act my way into a spiritual life that gives me so much more than I deserve. “Freedom to err” has given me the insight and eyesight to know when I am lying to myself, to another(s), and when I am being lied to, it has given me a dedication to truth that I have inherited from the prophets, my grandfathers, and my father. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



What is your definition of Freedom and are you living it? Year 4 Day 67

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 67

“The will is not an ultimate and isolated entity, but determined by motives beyond its own control. To be what one wants to be is also not freedom, since the wishes of the ego are largely determined by external factors. Freedom is not a principle of uncertainty, the ability to act without a motive. Such action would be chaotic and subrational rather than free.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg.14)

Rabbi Heschel is reminding us of the challenge of truly living free, free from our self-will, free from our “wants to be”, free from our ‘doing what we want when we want’. It ain’t easy and it is doable, at least for moments at a time. The writing above begs a few questions; the first being: what does determine our “will”? While many of us believe we are “in control”, the wisdom above is telling us maybe we have a lot less control that we think. Having a rich inner life and living an “examined life” as Socrates calls on us to do, we can be in truth with ourselves and see how often our “control” is being determined by so many outside forces: upbringing-positive or negative, desires-realistic or not, resilience or entitlement, whims of society, power exerted upon us or by us, psychological make-up and spiritual immaturity or maturity for a few. When “keep up with the Jones’” is the mantra we live by, when “retribution” is our goal, when “making it” at any and all costs makes sense, when using “those people” when referring to another human being or group of people, when “racism, anti-semitism, etc” are seen as good and ways to get ahead-we are not free and our will has been determined by “motives beyond its own control”. Yet, we seem to be unaware of this truth, many people would rather believe the lies they tell themselves, that their ‘leader’ tells them than open up their eyes, circumcise the foreskin of their hearts, and choose life, choose truth, choose blessings. In fact, in America today-more people believe the lie than seek the truth. I believe the reason for this is because truth is messy, it is elusive and it is never complete because as we learn more, we see more and as we seem more we experience more of the truth of every situation. A lie, on the other hand, is clean, it is tight, it is tied in a bow and it never changes, it is easier for lazy people to digest and it appeals to the masses who are lazy regarding growing their inner life and maturing their spiritual health.

The words above could shatter what many people think, especially the second sentence. What could Rabbi Heschel possibly mean when he says “to be what one wants to be is also not freedom”? Isn’t freedom all about ‘being who one wants to be’? Don’t we learn “you can be anything you want to be” from an early age? Are we really trapped when we want “to be” anything we want to be? Of course it is not black and white, there is so much nuance to these words and Rabbi Heschel is correct, I believe! We are so caught up in self when we want “to be” what we want to be that we miss a lot of sign posts, a lot of danger warnings on the road to our ‘being ourselves’ and we often miss the truth about ourselves, the call of our inner life and the success of being human that each and every person has within themselves. We are witnessing today, as we have throughout the history of humankind, the challenge of dealing with our own egos and the egos of another(s). There are many malignant narcissists leading business, governments (Federal, state, and local) in countries across the world. There are many malignant narcissists who are heads of households and hold their children and their spouses captive while they “be” who they want to be at home. There are many on Boards of Directors of religious and non-profit institutions who’s egos are being fed by their power and their “good works” which maybe are not so good because they are serving their egos before serving the needs of another. Clergy as Symbolic Exemplar is a similar trap. Many people go into jobs, careers in all fields including the Clergy as just that-a job, a place to have power, respect, to hide and this is not freedom at all. We have see the effects of this way of being with the widespread clergy misconduct that has been publicized and has been swept under the rug, the alcoholism, addiction, sexual misconduct that clergy and other people in power have committed, When we look at the toxic masculinity that is having a resurgence, the “me too” movement that went too far with accusations that hurt innocent people, the racists and anti-semites in the minority communities fighting one another, the common denominator is ‘freedom to be who we truly are’ when these same people haven’t a clue as to who they are and they are spiritually immature and taking their spiritual maladies out on whomever is near and convenient.

We the People are being called by the words above, by the teachings of all spiritual disciplines, by the Voice on Sinai that is constantly calling to WAKE UP! There is a demand in the universe for truth and for freedom, real freedom and, while we will never get completely free, the path to this goal is laid out for us and it is not through our ego, through our money, through our lies, through our grift, through our strength, etc. They only path for us to reach the goal of “Freedom” is through our inner life, through our souls. Think about Nelson Mandela, he was freer in his prison cell than the guards who were guarding him, the same is true for many others, yours truly included. Everyone doesn’t have to be arrested to find spiritual maturity and everyone needs to “grow along spiritual lines” if we want to be free. Our egos and our wills will never stop being influenced by outside issues and forces, this is not the point. Rabbi Heschel is calling to us, as I hear him this morning, to mitigate these outside forces and not be enslaved by them, to end our checking on ‘which way the wind is blowing’ before making a decision to act, to do the next right thing no matter how we think or feel, to live into the holiness code and learn from the stories in the Bible the best path to take and not be held captive by our egos and wills, by the whims of society, by the desires and needs of the malignant narcissists in our lives. We the People can do this by finding teachers and guides that help us discover the truth within ourselves, help us hear the music of our souls better and play the score that our inner life is writing. Our inner life and our souls make symphonies that rival the greatest composers and most of us are tone deaf to them-this is the tragedy that We the People suffer from daily.

I continue to grow along spiritual lines, I know when I am enslaved by ego and will and I work hard to not be ruled by them and I am not always successful. I continue to seek spiritual guidance, spiritual growth through study, via spiritual guidance, via being of service to another, via this blog. I am not the “to be” I dreamed of as a kid and my life is so much better for it! God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark



Are you sowing the seeds of freedom's destruction because of your compulsions? Year 4 Day 66

Daily Life Lessons from Rabbi Heschel

Year 4 Day 66

The danger begins when freedom is thought to consist in the fact that “I can act as I desire.” This definition not only overlooks the compulsions which often lie behind our desires; it reveals the tragic truth that freedom may develop within itself the seed of its own destruction.” (Insecurity of Freedom pg.14)

I began to listen to President Trump’s address to the Joint Session of Congress and I had to stop- his denigration of the Democrats, President Biden, his praise of the way he treats the people and countries that have been our allies, friends and partners and his joy at firing people, like he is on his ‘reality’ TV show were too much. I watched the sycophants of the Republican Party praise him, I watched Mike Johnson call for decorum while praising the release of the people who brought destruction to the Halls of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, it was just too much for me. It brought the opening quote to life in a most powerful way and the cautionary words of Rabbi Heschel’s that I am delving into today.

I want to make very clear, Donald Trump is not the biggest problem facing Americans today, nor is Elon Musk, RFK Jr., et al. The biggest problem we are facing as Americans is that we are not looking into the dark “compulsions which often lie behind our desires”. Trump, Musk, the Republican sycophants, are just giving into these “compulsions” as are the people who believe every word these lying grifters are saying. All of the hullabaloo around tariffs, firings, etc-while real and necessary, is masking the real issue facing all of us. We, the People are engaged in a denial of the “compulsions which often lie behind our desires”, we seem to be willfully blind to how we are participating in growing “the seed of its own destruction”. I sit at my computer each day, I read a few sentences from Rabbi Heschel’s vast wealth of writings (haven’t touched the unpublished works, the works in magazines, etc) and I wonder how we have wound up so far from our roots, so far from the ideal as portrayed by the prophets, so far from our own basic goodness of being, so far from the words of the Bible propelling us to care for one another, to “love your neighbor as yourself”, to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

One of the ways we have wound up here, I believe, is that we have not raised the souls of our children, just as many of our parents did not raise our souls. We and they raised our minds, our bodies, our emotions and, the most important part of every human being, the soul, our spirit, were ignored! This is not an indictment of parenting nor parents, it is just a fact that I have observed over my 70+ years of being alive. We allow our children to go to religious schools, to Temple, Church, Mosque and when they come home they see the opposite of the behaviors and ways of being they are learning. We give over the spiritual education and maturing to a group of people, Clergy, who themselves in most cases are spiritually immature, who are more into dogma than spirit, who “act as I desire” and call it “god’s will”, who promote a xenophobic, nationalistic, prejudice that has torn our country apart in earlier times and is tearing us apart right now. Maimonidies, the famous 10th Century Jewish philosopher, teacher, physician, wrote a treatise called “Shemonah Perakim” which goes into great detail about the spiritual sickness human beings fall prey to and how “the physician of the soul” is to help them heal their spiritual malady. At issue for him is that most people who are spiritually sick don’t believe themselves to be and need the “physician of the soul” to diagnose them. Today, these people are supposed to be the Clergy people and most Clergy are too afraid, too drunk on the Kool-Aid of the dogma of their faith, too afraid to stir the pot and piss off their board of directors and lose their job, to stand up and BE the “physicians of the soul” that are needed in this moment.

We, the People need to demand more from the Clergy of our time, in our neighborhoods. These are the people who should be leading the march on Tesla and across the country as the Clergy did at Selma, Alabama 50 years ago this month! We the People need to do our own introspection into the “compulsions” that underlie our indifference to the undoing of freedom that we are engaging in politically, morally, individually, and spiritually. We, the People are needed to stand up to the lies we are telling ourselves, to the ‘worms’ in our brains that are convincing us that bad is good, that up is down, that lying and grifting is truth and generosity, that stealing is giving, that hating is loving, that treating people as animals, calling them “vermin” is welcoming the stranger, that cutting Medicaid and other social service programs is caring for the poor, the needy, etc. We the People have to begin again to heal these “compulsions which often lie behind our desires” we have to recognize “the tragic truth that freedom may(has) develop within itself the seed of its own destruction”. We are witnessing it today, the breakdown of spiritual health is due to our unwillingness to engage in soul work, to honor the wisdom of our souls, of our “gut instinct”, and follow the truth especially when it is inconvenient. We the People have “become fat and kicked…forsook God and ignored God’s rock of Salvation”(Deuteronomy 32:15). We the People need to “return…and I will heal your faithlessness”(Jeremiah 3:22), we need to hear the words of Hosea, chapter 14:2-5, ringing in our ears, tasting them in our mouths and guiding our hands and feet:”return to God for you have stumbled in your iniquity…I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely”. We the People are being called by the words above, by the forces of the Cosmos, by the stirrings of our souls and our hearts, to heal our spiritual maladies, to return to the person we are meant to be, to be the divine need only we can fill.

I have been engaged in this quest for spiritual health for 38 years, since Rabbi Mel Silverman became my teacher in prison. Each of my spiritual guides, along with my constant companionship with Rabbi Heschel- keep me disturbed! I can never rest on my laurels or accomplishments because there is always more spiritual growth to engage in. My first spiritual guide was my father and his death caused me to be spiritually bereft and I did not recover from that trauma until some 22 years later. My diagnosis of the problem for most people today comes from my experience of being adrift after his death and my years of helping thousands of people find their spiritual health and live productive lives. I refuse to buy into the lies and the subterfuge of societal norms, I stand against the ‘good people’ on the ‘right side’ who are still spreading spiritual disease so they can have power and prestige-on the right and left. I believe we can heal and I commit to continue to help. God Bless and stay safe, Rabbi Mark
